Xandu's blog

Updates 16-01-2008

Some have you may have noticed that lots of old content have been showing up on the frontpage today. This issue has been cause by a caching and access problem. Access to all articles on BurnoutAholics.com has now been restored and hopefully the original problem is resolved.

Updates 11-01-2008

We have been working hard on some improvements for BurnoutAholics.com today. Normally I take the site offline when I do major changes but for various reasons I could not do that today. The site has been offline about 4 times for about 5 minutes the last 2 hours. Sorry for any incontinence this may have caused for you.
Then on to the updates…
First of all I finally finished the “A Blast from the Past – Part 3” today! The article covers Burnout 3: Takedown.

The ZombieTron is a toy!


Check out this really cool creation. I think I need to get my lego down from the attic and start building.... maybe a sluffer or a numpty?

For some other really cool LEGO creations check out: http://www.xenobuzz.com/

Duke Nukem Forever Teaser!

I went over to www.3drealms.com today to see if they had any news about Duke Nukem.... WOW! They have actually released a teaser trailer. They've been working on this game for over 10 years now and we haven't really heard anything about it since E3 2001. 

Anyway... the trailer is out. Go to www.3drealms.com to select your download source.


Naked Tuesday on Burnout 3: Takedown!

It's Burnout 3: Takedown night and here is the latest new from the races.

I've hooked up my old black XBOX so I can get on my original Burnout profile that has everything unlocked.

So far SUFFUR and Drunknnumpty have joined. We also have a random in the room called robete1.

Our world ranking is looking quite healthy now

Kevlar and Zombietron have joined the fun.

Update 17-12-2007

Did quite a few updates to the site today not sure I remember all...

Update 16-12-2007

I did some minor updates to the site today.
  • Polls page now shows all polls that has ever been on BurnoutAholics.com
  • Added "My Burnout Collection" to the user profiles. Go check out your user profile and have a look at the new stuff. You can now tell other BurnoutAholics what Burnout games you own.

Burnout 2 Completed

Last night I sat down and completed Burnout 2: Point of Impact on the XBox 360. I got my favourite car the Super Car and can now start going for race times. Only total race time is uploaded to the leaderboards not the lap times. Xandu has never been on the Burnout 2 leaderboards since I didn't have XBox live when the game was first released. I got a new xbox when I got Xbox live so all my previous records are gone.

Burnout 2 Point of Impact Screen shot


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