ZombieTron's blog

Four more years

Four more years since I last blogged on here.

I am now a Norwegian citizen.

The site has had more issues which Xandu has been working to resolve... and tada! It's resolved.

Our kids are growing up, the eldest is almost 15 and the youngest is 8.

We haven't seen much from the lads (and lasses) from Criterion/Three Fields... it all seems a little quiet on the front of anything officially happening to bring back our favourite franchise.

Almost Norwegian

Hello Burners,

I wonder if anyone still visits our little site? I know I haven't been here for a while...

Life has changed a lot since Xandu and I began our journey together.

We have been living in Norway for just over 10 years now, and I am now on the road to obtaining Norwegian citizenship.

It's something I wasn't able to do for a while as doing so would have meant giving up British citizenship, which I was not willing to do.

Dangerous Driving

Dangerous Driving is on It's way! This is the spiritual successor to Burnout 3, and we can't wait to get our hands on it! Sign up to the Three Fields Entertainment mailing list to keep up to date with all the updates and to show your support. Follow them on YouTube. All the clips we have seen so far are extremely promising!

In the meantime, get your crash fix on with Danger Zone 2!

Three Fields start work on a CAR game!

Doing this as a blog as baby poked my eye and is now sleeping on my lap so there are bound to be typos galore... but there are tweets! And Alex has said they are working on a car game... A CAR GAME! cool! :)




Is that what it's called? Anyway, cool, arcade racing, even including an "insert coin" to make it authentically arcadey! Could this be the beginning of the return of the arcade racer??? :) I have been living under a rock, so it's possible I have missed a whole generation!

Going Gold

My Xbox credit expires soon, so looks like I will be going Gold again before too long.

Time to scrape the rust off my Revenge Racer!  :)

Gone Silver

Well, as I never to hardly ever play anymore, I have allowed my Xbox Live account to go silver. 

I have no current plans to renew, so after 10 years on Xbox Live, I am saying farewell.

Of course, being in a gaming family, I could always play on Xandu's tag.... so if I do fancy jumping back on Revenge, just call me Mrs Du! 

Neglected site :(

Sorry burners, haven't been around for a while. If you still visit the site say 'hi'. It would be good to get some conversations going again. :)

Are you still playing revenge?

We had a good blast on takedown the other day too... still the best racing games out there!


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