eswat2's blog

finally got the Elite license...

it took a while, but i finally got my Elite license yesterday. I also managed to snag the 3 Carbon cars from the discovery challenges late last week. Time for some Road Rules!...

getting closer to Elite license...

Just 15 more events (5 stunt and 10 road rage).  I finally got the stunt run thing working by using the Hunter Cavalry. Sure it's the slowest car in the game, but you can still rack up the points given the right location. Last night i completed 4 stunt runs; 2 using the abandoned airport and 2 using the bridge and naval yards.  I spent forever trying to make a run thru the quarry but just couldn't rack up enough points to make it work.

more progress towards Elite License...

just 25 event wins to go before i unlock the Elite license.

- 75/80 cars in my garage

- completed all Burning Routes

- completed all Marked Mans

- completed all Races

ok, so i can do the remaining Road Rages, it will just take some time to pull them off.  The thing i'm worried about are the Stunt Runs.  You see, i didn't do any of those while i was working towards my Burnout License. The few times i've tried Stunt Run, i was really bad at it.

so, in the meantime, i think i'll see if i can get the other 5 carbon cars unlocked...

working on my elite license...

 i'm finally down to 59 wins needed for my Elite License.  the next cars are coming at 53, 39, 25 (if i calculated correctly).

 - 66 cars + 4 sponsor cars + 1 steel wheels == 71 cars in my garage

 - i've currently beaten all of the burnouts for the cars in my garage

 - the "25 v16 revenge" burnout was a killer, it took me almost 2 days to get that one, but i finally got it today


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