Mad Wookiee11's blog

Red Ring of Death (ish)

For some inconcievable reason, my console has been hit for the third time with the (explative, explative, explative) Red Ring of Death!  I just got it back in January!  But this one is not like the other two, at least I hope it is different. 

Paint the town Red

I finally figured out the red cars glitch for myself today!  I love the shiny red paint scheme's on the cars and that it works on the Carbon cars! Does anyone know if this was designed to work this way, or if it is just a weird but cool glitch?

New Stratagy

I have just found a new stratagy for ranked races online.  I have used the Citizen for a few races and actually had success!  It'll be perfect when Cagney comes out and traffic is mandatory.  The best part about it is how it accelerates so much faster than the PCPD, so if one of them and you crash near each other, you can pull past them.  And, yes, I have won a race (almost two - I lost the other by .01 secs.).  It was on uphill, too!  If this works for you, too, let me know.

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