PsychedelicBabe's blog

Been so busy

Hello everyone, sorry i havent been around lately but i have been sooooo busy with E3, i didnt realise that XBox was going to do so well, and well lets just say im dog tired of doing previews, trailers, screens and reviews :( as much as i love my job it does tire me, and i do get to neglect alot of my other sites. So hows everyone on here been? lmao judging by some of the threads ive been reading it seems that a few of you have had a few heated even had comments locked on one thread WTF is going on there ?.....who is inciting all this anger?

ZuneX Mobile XBOX Phone ?

Whether or not this is real or a fake, is down to us as an individual to believe .....

Specifications...... ?

Hello Strange People...

Hello omg it has been a while, well i guess i feel a bit out of place :( so ill make it short and anyone looking forward to COD6 as much as me?

Burnout Tournament

DeniedMartin is hosting a tournament on REVENGE ..... i am hosting a room and i was wondering if any of you wanted to join ..... the rules are simple you need to create a new tag or use a 48hr code on an old tag ..... but these tags have to be DASHES only the host is allowed to have a rank and it is a 3 digit can brake check, spawn kill and even glitch....sound fun then go here for more details thank you .... :)

Limited Edition RES 5 XBOX....

ok i found something really sexy for you all to drool over and its going on sale on March 13th wih Resident Evil 5...

and what else is sweet ? look at the box the beauty arrives in .......

Resident Evil 5 Demo...

ok heres an update of RESIDENT EVIL 5....

Was the thought of waiting until March 13th for the latest release of Resident Evil 5 deeming too much? Well now it seems that the wait could well be over, coming exclusively to the Xbox Live Marketplace is the demo itself.

Frozen Vapour....

CONGRAULATIONS to frozen vapour on winning the tournament that took place last night. Also a big congratulations to everyone who participated. Im gutted that i didnt take part but with work and my xbox issue it would have been impossible...maybe ill join the next one....:p


I found this free game and i thought you guys/girls might enjoy it.....  please try sure it will bring great pleasure.....


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