Wei's blog

Why not wait until it comes out to bash it?

I have played online games for a long time now.  Mostly, it has been MMO's, but in all online gaming, there has remained one constitant - people complaining about updates that are not even out yet.

I never understood it.

Hell, half of the time, the people complaining about it end up enjoying the changes.  They can rarely admit it, though, so they end up making excuses about why they keep playing.  And they lament about how the game is no longer '[insert game title here]'.

Which is blatently stupid.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

A moment of silence, please, for my 360, which RRoD'ed today.

I thought I was safe.  It was one of the first generation 360's that was the center of the 'RRoD scare'.  While my friend's consoles (all of which were newer than mine) RRoD'ed, mine kept working faithfully.  Until today, when I turned it on to play a little Need for Speed.  It started loading, then just... Stopped.

Granted, I did not play it much these days, but it will be missed.

I hate my internet, Part 2

I bought myself a good length of cat-5 cable (about 20 feet longer than I needed, but everything else was too short) and hooked my PS3 directly up to my router.  It does better, working well until it tries to connect to PSN.  At this point, I get the error:


I am not sure exactly what it means, as it keeps kicking my laptop off the internet now.  All I know is it takes all of my effort just to log in here and try to post this.  There has to be some way to keep both connected.

Any suggestions?

I hate my internet...

I used to run my systems online all the time.  I have a PSWii60, all 3 consoles.  All 3 would connect with ease, gaming online was fun, fast, and easy.

All of a sudden, for no appreciable reason, none of my consoles will connect over wireless any more.  No clue why, no reason, no change.  They just stopped accepting the wireless.

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