The Kid 74's blog

Burnout Revenge vs Burnout Paradise

I recently purchased BO Revenge for XBox 360 and I will have to say that I am not as pleased as you all say the game is awesome. I feel like I downgraded myself from a Free Roam to a Pick a challange and hope that they are people online to race with. I like Paradise a lot more becuase you get the choice of doing free roam challanges offline or picking a room and doing challanges online. You can race against the best or the worst and still have fun doing it. For me Paradise is the only version that I will play.

Cagney Release on the 24th?????

I have played Paradise for 360 for the past four days and have not seen this soo called Cagney update YET. Has it been postponed again for not being programed properly or is Criterion just pulling our muffler? If you have been able to download it let me know.


Concerning this RRoD, my nephew's 360 have the RRoD over and over again. All 4 were lite up. Now it may be just his, but I took it completely apart since it was out of warranty and cleaned the motherboard off with a high power vacuum and component cleaner. It has worked great ever since (about 3 weeks now), so just a thought from my point of view.


Happy Gaming!!!!!!!

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