Dida's blog

What is going on

I was all excited for the new update even took time off work, and the day has arrived.  Wow some great stuff untill i started a ranking race against gghgg ect...and they got to choose an Urber clear while all the rest of us only had 5 cars to choose from... I mean what is that all about, I thought this would be fair but that is just not, got beat by miles... no chance....

Am not a happy gamer at the moment...

Thought I would say HI



Am new here thought I would drop a line a blog to say hi, and introduce myself.  Have been playing burnout since they started and it is the best game since. Which I could complete more challanges but seems to always get into a room where people just want to boost around and take each other down...

But in order to resolve the issue of having only completed a few challanges will be creating own room, hopefully other people will join and have a blast..

Chat soon


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