The drunk and suf meet up No 7 or is it?

Too gone to write, to be remembered at another date, and updated. And write about the previous 6 or is it?.


PsychedelicBabe's picture

i want to know did you remember what it was you were infact trying to blog here? quite surprised either you were very very wasted or you just didnt know then what you know now......what am i on about? im on about your 2 line blog ..... whats this about?....this has to be the shortest blog/thread/post that i have encountered and i was even more shocked when i realized it was yours....lmfao....

SUFFUR's picture

Yes, these met ups are for me to get medicated, as I don't sleep well due to the pain, but the fact that I can remember that drunk and I have met up at least 6 or 7 times (after asking about, lol) by then is a feat in it's self, lol.

We met in London on a Burnout met up and hit it off, and have met in Newcastle 3 times, with him driving, meaning he picks me up. I was educated with Green Day, on one of those driving trips, and I loved it. Numpty is what I would call my Chauffer, and I love him for that alone, and the fact that he is a great person, unassuming, gentle and gnikcuf smart, is a great friend, and will be for the rest of my life. Unless he kills me and eats me, yes he is that smart, and twisted, lol.

I was going to blog about what we get up to, what games we were playing and what happened with the conversation in the rooms those games are held, the people we met, liked, did not like, ripped to pieces, lol, what movies we watched, the munchies we consumed, the soft drink of the trip, the music, etc, but that sounded like way to much work.

The other fear was that drunk and me were pretty close buddies then and still are, sorta, even though he has a beautiful woman to care for now, not that she needs it and she is hot, lucky dratsab, I should never be jealous of a woman, but I was sorta (it an emotion and was emotional when they finally got it together, I am so going to get my sllab yanged or even yanked (lol) for even writting this as I know it's private) even though I love her too, as she is also a great friend too.

And do people want to know about the bonding of two guys, and with saying that, the words 'man lovers' get shouted from the roof tops, and maybe it should be a private affair, lol, but it does get joked about, by our friends, by our selves, and is very funny at the time, we are sort of a comic duo, like Laural and Hardy (as we were very quiet, almost silent, and just quiped up once in a while, deadly, like a traf), Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder (as we do think alike once in a while and can devistate with our twisted, smart dessa humour), and most will travel far and wide to met drunk and suf, not sure why, though I think it is to met him, and since I am attached like a cancer to numpty, they just have to put up with me, lol. Also because of the subject matter and me looking for work, people would know that I was a cripple in alot of pain, and not that I wanted to hide it, I wanted to have a fair chance of employment at the time and still do! 

But a brief list of games.

Rainbow 1 & 2, Revenege, Burnout 3 (numpty hates Paradise but BO3 is on hold due to both of us having to start again, to get a the supers unlocked), Ageus (sp) Wing, Rock Band, and many others. And since I am supposed to have a 20 meg connection, I have not had to many problems with having numpty on the line and should be able to have 4 360's from the one router ( I did have issuse and was sorted before I went, but I have been told the problems are back, darn it, another long phone call to Virgin). He got the 16 player acheivement for Rainbow before me, lol and on my cable connection, lol. I can't wait till they open my line up to 50 meg, with a 1.2 up. We did also play on the Wii, but I short of packed it away, and no, not because numpty was better than me, lol. We would also watch the videos of new games I would download, as I download everything of the market place, then test out the demos. You should see numpty on Space Giraffe, it's a trip! And Pure too!

Also he is one of the best 'dirty' but great racers I know (he tailgates like a drut hanging out an elephant), as well as MonkeyCMonkeyDo, if both of them took it to Ivor's or Nito's level, they would be number 1 or 2 (if no-one cheated/glitched or whatever they do to get numeber 1), but then again I would be playing with them and I can beat them both 9 times out of 10, lol. But since both of them have attention spans of grasshoppers, they can't race more than 2 to 3 lappers, lol. But Monkey is still the best lazy racer that did not want to go the way of the 'Pro' as it were. Of course there is Partisan, whom I mentioned once, but he quit gaming, but was my BO2 Buddy!

Wow, Tangent! Thorry!

Met loads of nutters, and made friends through our random created rooms. Mostly on Revenge, and way more girls than guys.

Food stuffs.

Cola Bottles, plain and fizzy and cherry, dolly mixtures, chocolate, muffins, cookies, Pizza: frozen/fresh and Dominos, spag'bol: home made and Morrisons own, full english breakfast, bacon butties, burgers, micro fries, lots of little milk pots with said breakfasts(numpty, lol), and 'Bina, and Coca-Cola, Fanta, Tango, Sprite and with 'Bina, water lots of that. Even the odd glass of red wine. And maybe some Vodka or Tequila or both, lol, and other stuff.

Viewing pleasure.

Would watch, Dextor (the serial killer), Californication, Ghost in a Shell, Block Buster Movies: whatever was out at the time, The Unit, Las Vegas, Car Poolers, Heroes, just loads of stuff. But watching a whole series at a time. Though it's normally me watching as numpty has passed out since he has a real job.

When I was at the Tiger's I saw the whole first series of DrawnTogether, Series 1 of RoboChicken, and Zimm the Invader, and some messed up Japanese Animation which I now have to find and buy!

Anyway more than 2 lines of text, happy now honey, lol, and a short abridged version of the duo meet ups. Sorry numpty, and others that just know us, but it had to come out, what we got up to. Though the London/Newcastle/Blackpool Trips, are high alcohol consumption trips. AfterShock, Black Current is great stuff, even after 10 shots at the end of the night, helps certain people sleep, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out? One day, patience is something I will never need, as I will reach enlightenment!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

kevlar0's picture

I fed the long dratsab a gourmet steak and don't even get a mention. On the blackpool trip we also ate, kangaroo, croc, ostrich and kitten.

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

SUFFUR's picture

See you are so jealous of our lesbian love, lol. And yes Kev I was thankful for your chefing delights and the scrapes off your plate. LOL. But everyone knows about you, since you are a naugthy boy, and most people have read that book and seen the film, and yes Moses did drop those other 5 commandments, lol. History of the World Pt1 anyone?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

PsychedelicBabe's picture

lol i used to race bot Numpty and Monkey and you describe there racing tecniques to a i used to play them with Daylight and i used to get my ssa handed to me quite they were the days id probably just kill them laugh and race of now.... i had my chances of meeting Monkey and Numpty at Daylights wedding but unfortunately through family reasons i couldnt go..... but i do admit that i was gutted......i love reading your tihs ive not laughed as much as what i have reading your tihs....your quite learning more and more about you every day....btw i think that e-mail may take longer than expected  because i have so much research to do.....damn your stihs so long it takes ages to read.......I LOVE IT.....