Adding colour to your signature

As some of you might have noticed adding colour to your blogs and forum posts is not possible for most users on

Adding colours to spice up your signature is however allowed and I want to give you some tips on how to do it.

First of all go to "My account". Then select Edit. In the account settings find the signature. Let's say your signature is BurnutAholics Rules!" To make the B and A red type the following in the signature field:

<font color="red">B</font>urnout<font color="red">A</font>holics => BurnoutAholics

To make the whole word red type the following:

<font color="red">BurnoutAholics</font> => BurnoutAholics

You should now be able to make your signature stand out!  


It is also possible to add images to the signature. I will cover that in my next blog.

TIP: If you have a XBox Live Gamertag you can type: [gamercard:Gamertag] to show your gamercard in the signature, blog or forumpost. So if I wanted to show my gamercard I would write [gamercard:Xandu]


ZombieTron's picture

Thanks Xandu! 

--- The Original and the Best ---


The Kid 74's picture

Thanks for the tip


-The One and Only-


-The One and Only-

MohBeh0's picture

nice !!



oO EezO Oo's picture

Just tried it out, and I think having the gamertag in my posts makes em to cluttered.  If I could find a smaller one I'd use that.  The colors are a nice touch though.


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CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!