Why I love this game.....

I know your all probably sick of hearing this subject but it just intrigues me so much to discover why people love this game so much.I hear often that its because of the rank and to me thats silly because you can lose that lovely number just as quick as what you gained it.The community?...well yeah ill agree there we do have our own special little community but i suppose that community can be created likewise in any other game....So why do we play it..well ill start by telling you why i really play it..I should be telling you i dont race for rank but id be lying because i do...obviously its sweet as hell to have a low rank...and the community well thats just irreplaceable to me...its like my second home....but the real reason has to be ADDICTION....sounds crap doesnt it but its took me 3 years to admit that to myself..lol...but its true you mention addiction to people and they associate it with smoking...drinking...etc but i associate addiction with Burnout im thinking about it all the time and when im not playing im watching paul play or should i say i HAVE to watch paul play...i love watching where he goes and what speeds he gets...i also like watching him mess up..........but no it learns me more just by watching cos i get to look at things/ways that i couldnt look at if i was driving....{mr eastern bay for example}....lol.....i think its also because i sit here watching paul all day that when it comes time for me to play i cant wait i get all excited and giggly.....i also use my watching time as an advantage because i get to see how other people race people who i wouldnt normally race with due to time differences....and its interesting....for example pauls been running alot of laptimes lately with hawkeye and it involved a hell of alot of White Mountain F/R.....{For those reading who dont know me well i hate White Mountain either way mainly for the reason that i could never master it....lol...}...and after watching him run these laps i can see the improvement in myself....and thats been my goal lately to improve on that aspect of the game....ask hobolicious i used to park up after becoming 6 miles behind seriously lol but now i own him {occasionally} on his track and that gives me so much self satisfaction......but it all burns down to ADDICTION for me....im going on so ill go now you guys take it easy and if you see my room come and join me im always up for a good battle.........                                 [gamercard:PsychedelicBabe]