Well it looks like were getting more and more people returning everyday....i think its brilliant especially when an old friend jumps in and says ''Hey Lucky how'ya doin?'' ..... lol ive noticed over the past few weeks they are coming back maybe they got p*ssed off on Paradise or COD4 or something i dont know its just great to think that Burnout always remains a part of you....no matter what game you move onto or what community you join Burnout remains in the heart....if you love the game then you will always return....the first new comer i encountered was ShatTime i often wondered where he went and what he was doing i missed our early morning sessions then out the blue there he is in my room....excellent i thought another elite racer whos fun to race with.....nice to have him back in his rightful place on my friends list....then paul was playing and i noticed he was playing Paper Smiley.....wtf i havent spoken/raced with him since he moved house which was like years ago....i havent had the pleasure of racing him yet....but he knows im looking for him lololol seeing as he has 16 TAKEDOWNS on me.....i cant even beleive i let them clock up so high i blame MyHandMyLover and DancingMonkey and ANGEL VALLEY REVERSE for that.......they used to play it purposely and force me down the drains......oh and dont think Smiley was the only one who got 16 nooo it didnt end there MyHandMyLover got a whopping 17.....{sigh} oh them good old boost b*tch days....id like to see them try now......lolololol......then there was Twisted Abyss...anybody ever remember him....well i remembered him purely for the fact that the first time i met him 2 years ago or so he was in my room arguing with Swearing Abyss.....they say that first thoughts last and my god they certainly do......i could go on and on and on naming all of them but youd probably get bored and not read on...lololol.....The thing that pleased me the most was the fact that when i asked why they came back to Revenge they all had pretty similar responses and that was ''The ADRENALIN'' and ''The COMMUNITY''....... well with nitos tourney and all these oldies returning i guess im going to have to start warming my own xbox up.....my god i dont think ive even played my own xbox for like a year now... i wonder if he still works?......its just too easy to put my hard drive on pauls xbox....lololol laziness i guess....anyway thats enough for now.....wow i could get seriously carried away doing this....i think i might get a job as a typist because over the last 8 weeks ive just become addicted to it...lololol...ok enough said love you all and hope to race/kill you all very very soon......oh and im going to try and WIN this tournament....TRY anyway....2nd place would be special too.....
Jinno Angelo
Mon, 07/14/2008 - 20:32
Good for you, Bad for me.
Well thats good that your racing and getting more help and trying to figure your way through the tracks of Burnout. And especially with the older racers coming, you should be able to let them see how much you've improved. Thats a really good thing tho cause your definitely getting a lot of practice just before this thing tho. I see that Hawkeye has been putting up some hours on this thing too just to get ready for it. Its good that you two are doing that because you are trying to be at the top of your game for when this thing starts.
I on the otherhand have been on the downhill this entire week. Messing up drifts, not getting enough speed on jumps, and practically choking on just about everything. Maybe its because Ive been playing too much COD4 lately, I dont know but last night was the worst and I drove like sh*t. I dc'd because I was getting so pissed at my driving. Not to mention both of my controllers broke this week and the headset wont work now along with mic. One controller, the accelerator doesnt work and the other the stick is stuck. So I cant get any practice at all. I think I have too many off-days and yesterday was a definite BIG ONE. I hate it when I play like crap. I think my driving is deteriorating fast and I feel like crap after that debacle last night. So Im laying off Burnout for a week, maybe It will be better then because every now and then, I need to get off the game and when I come back, I feel so much faster at it. When I got back from my vac and not playing Burnout for a week, I set like 12 new lap times within that week. Maybe it will be the same this time around.
"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).
Mon, 07/14/2008 - 20:45
You really think.....
Jinno Angelo
Tue, 07/15/2008 - 01:05
Psych, I usually go on Really Highs and Really Lows in the game like everyone else. I do set my standards high for myself but thats because I like competition, because I like to race faster, and because I want to be a good racer. It furiates me every now and then if I dont live up to my standards. It works like a double edge sword fo me tho and in many ways Im hard on myself for it. But, I also see RESULTS of all the new things I learned because I was hard on myself and pushed myself to do better. I will race 1:1 with you just before the competition starts. Right now I just want to relax a bit and not worry so much about my "game". In the next week and as many times before, after a week to calm down, a week to reorganize, and a week to take a much needed time away, My driving will be good or even better than before. I know that from experience. The tournament will be fun, that much I know is true.
"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).