Well here it is my first video on this wonderful site...PsychedelicBabe - Girls racing night on Burnout Revenge ... the video itself was filmed by HoBoLiCiOUS....And he did a great job...this was filmed during my first ever tournament that i arranged myself with a few good girl racers who where....MYSELF....ZOMBIETRON.....HOUDINI HEART.....MEESA80.....NETTERNET......When i first organized this tournament i was kind of worried that it would turn out to be one big huge catfight.....but to everyones delight it went was one of the best nights racing i had had in a long time.....i cant remember the last time i heard so many girls racing in one room laughing so loud...Im still not sure as to what all the girls where laughing at?........i think it could have had something to do with a certain ''MR EASTERN BAY''..........anyway it was amazing so ''THANKS GIRLS''. it was yourselves that made the night as good as it was and id like to say that i thouroughly enjoyed myself.......and i know you all did too...........well i hope you all enjoy the video and if i do organize another tourney youll all be first on the list.......




Jinno Angelo's picture

Oh yeah, that vid. I remember that vid. I remember that girls night out that you had also. I also remember there was some dude in the room too. The vid looks good, Porno won, I think you came in second. I should definitely start creating vids of my races as well.  




"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Yeah that night was brilliant and i do remember some guy creeping in....hahaha...but he did only stay for 1 race..........i also remember you going crazy because you wanted a matter of fact i seem to remember alot of guys wanting in........EEZO even wanted to don a ra ra skirt for the occasion......cant think of the life of me why?..........and yeah Porno won it was a good race by all.........maybe you should do some like strategy videos where your maybe racing 1-1 with someone of equal or better quality to yourself....then people will be able to view them and see where there maybe making mistakes or not boost jumping properly or harriering correctly......if you do i vote that your first video should be Angel Valley like to see what speeds you get and where?......then maybe just maybe ill master that 308 jump at last.....especially now ive mastered the drains......thanks to you..........


I'm looking for the spaceman who stole my smile....he cant be far away....hopefully....


Jinno Angelo's picture

I would recommend you watch a video with Wicked racing that track as he often says "That is his favorite track".. Unfortuantely I do not hit 300s in that jump, I only get 280s-290s, but Wicked supposedly gets 300+. I would much rather show you an MC L, EB R, or AV F Vid. Those are my favorite tracks. 




"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Wicked......has he done a video on Angel Valley Reverse?.......if so could you send me the link.....and i always thought you well reached the 300+ on that jump?......


I'm looking for the spaceman who stole my smile....he cant be far away....hopefully....


Jinno Angelo's picture

I think you mastered it yourself. I didnt have anything to do with it at all. B-sides your a good racer, you could drive through that easy.

So did you ever find that spaceman who stole your smile? Cause last I remember, he was out of gas and his spaceship went only at 150mph. 


Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon.


"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Y ou know as well as the next person that id never have mastered them drains without your help.....stop being so modest...........and as for that spaceman......i removed his helmet and he fizzled away to nothing....... i still havent found my i think im just going to give up on that one.........

We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......


Jinno Angelo's picture

Ever heard of "Motor Control" and the applications and theory behind motor control? Think of it in terms of this, fine and gross motor control and movement is learned. If your trying to do a skill, you break the skill down into parts and work on each part piece by piece until you get right then you combine everything together to create one fluid motion. The interesting thing here is, I was neither there to show it to you piece by piece and wasnt I there to specifically tell you what your doing wrong and to correct it, so what does that leave you and who to learn how to break it down piece by piece from? Certainly not me....


Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Well after hurting my head and making me read your comment twice.......i guess there is right in what you say?....but if i hadnt had followed you down there id never have done it and you know many people have tried to guide me down there and ive watched paul endlessly......but to no ill always say that it was down to you....whether you want to take the credit for it or not.....


We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......