Point system?

Did Burnoutaholics have a point system for blogging, posting articles, and sending messages before? I dont see that now, so maybe it was taken out because bootleg was blogging too much on Non-Burnout stuff? Was that it? I was just wondering as i was looking for that green font that shows how many points I earned so far to redeem for prizes. ROFLMAO!


PsychedelicBabe's picture

You looking for something that commends you for writing random bullsh*t?....I guess it would be good to have some kind of User Level......i was reading your threads over the wall and i was quite surprised you never reached level 3......but then i realised that you only gain the levels by posting useful info?......my god nito what are some of them threads about........i must be nearing my level 5 now.........hey lets see if this string works on nito........maybe those tears might get us a User Level......


We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......


Jinno Angelo's picture

I was looking at the Xbox forums and their user level is based on how often you post and by posting valuable info i guess. Im sure that most of it is based on often you post tho....and I do have a level 3. I used like 4 names before rather than sticking to one now, so its more spread out I think.

I think your at level 4 tho, I dont really care about those levels. Its not going to get anything special. And BTW, my posts arent random B.S., I dont know about you but there is really nothing to discuss in that forum anyways and most of the posts that you posts have in one way or another been posted before......

I dont know how you gain those points, but if its helping people, then Im sure you excel at that more than I do. I dont like commenting on threads that have answers in them already from previous posts...


Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

My bad i didnt know youd upped a level.......probably because i dont visit there much now.......but now i know your a 4 id better pull my socks up.....cant have you getting number 5 before me...........


We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......


Jinno Angelo's picture

Are you posting back again in the forums? I gave my Level 3 tag to Isis, so she is running around using the Scarlet tag... So right now, Im just using my Nero Angelo tag which is level 2. So Im sure you will get that level 5 before me.



Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Im just biding my time........im very active in the forums just not the Burnout Revenge forum...........i am trying to liven up these forums....with you helping they should be ALIVE in no time.....lol......and i figured it was Isis we spoke the other day as a matter of fact......shes a nice girl i like her..........but yeah as soon as i post ill let you know.............



We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......


ZombieTron's picture

Yes, we have addiction points here, they have been disabled for some time, but still active in the background, so although you haven't been able to see it you have been collecting points.

They are Active again now tho, for all to see!

PsychedelicBabe's picture

.......To tell you the truth i dont ever recall the addiction meter being present.......probably wasnt a member then........but anyways ive just been scanning through my addiction meter and i noticed i only have 128 points?.....is that good?......i also noticed that you only get 1 point per post so how do we earn extra points?.... can we earn extra points?......could we create some kind of weekly challenge that if you win you get awarded like 20 points?.............i was also wondering how many points other burners possess.....maybe ill take this one to the forums...........just been looking again and i noticed i was getting a few 3 pointers for creating blogs i presume?.....i also noticed i got a few -1 for ownership loss?.....what is this OWNERSHIP LOSS & OWNERSHIP GAIN????......


We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......


Jinno Angelo's picture

I was definitely wondering about that.. LOL.. I seem to have 4 pages of ownership lost.. LOL.. I guess I may have posted something un-Burnout like?

And yeah! I got 100 points for a featured article!!

Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

ZombieTron's picture

HERE is everything you need to know about the point system.

Points for blogs and comments are automatic, but we need to manually update the other contributions.

We hid them as some users (notice I'm not naming anybody here!! ) were more addicted to getting BurnoutAholics Addiction points, then they were to playing the game. If you search for addiction points you will see what I mean! There was quite a bit of "I've got more addiction points then you, ner ner" going on.

It is a nice guide to how much people have contributed to the site, and you can see everybody's points HERE.

PsychedelicBabe's picture


 Thanks zombs that link helped ..... i was pleasantly surprised to see how high up on the table i was ...... i can also see who was fighting for the points ......maybe after reading this a certain giant might start contributing again.......


We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......


PsychedelicBabe's picture


 I  read the blog xandu did and i still cant work out what the ownership gain and ownership loss points are for?....and i cant see where my points are for uploading my ladies night racing video???.....maybe i havent looked properly..........oh and thanks for ruining my forum topic..........i was hoping that people would start looking at there addiction meter and contribute.........maybe they still will.....i hope so..........



We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......

Jinno Angelo's picture

You will not beat me in points Psychedic Babe!!



Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

ZombieTron's picture

I think these are when the points were converted from a previous system we used, it could also be if the comment/post is edited by a moderator that the ownership will show a different result. The ownership gained and lost should equal zero so it shouldn't affect your total score.

The points for videos are added manually, and I don't think Xandu remembered to give you points when he uploaded the video. We will get this rectified asap!

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Are you challenging me nito?.................im not that far behind you..............nice to see this colour texting thingemijig is working..........nice one xandu......maybe ill get more points for being really creative in my posts...? .....WTF i had to edit my colour text apparently it will work fine in RED but not ORANGE??????.....Now i cant get it in red either...........



We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......

PsychedelicBabe's picture

I thought they werent present.........cheers xandu...lol......im sure theyll appear some and yeah im getting the jist of the gain and loss thingy....when i clicked on it it amazingly sent me to a thread that Bootleg had commented on regarding spelling and things like that...so it was pretty useful thanx.........i got given a copy of Paradise earlier.....i was thinking about seeing if my dog could get the disc out the cover for me....but he wasnt interested?........so i thought maybe i might do a charity event.....anyone got any .......



We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......

PsychedelicBabe's picture


Apparently i found a glitch in the text colouring?...............which means we cant really write our posts in multi colours.........which i think is a shame.........do you know whats annoying me more ?......i remember how i done it.....but im not getting my wrists slapped by xan and zombs so im going to refrain from using it.......




We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......

ichienkai's picture

I Found a Motorcycling smilie thing!  Cool lol

--Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Where did you get that from?....its so cool  i want to use it......are there any more?....



We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......

PsychedelicBabe's picture

.........I thought id cheat and just copy and paste yours.......no but seriously ichi where and how do i get it so i can use it all the time?..................................


We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......

ichienkai's picture

Was cruisin around on biking forums looking for a screen for a good customer and saw it on a forum and just copied it myself as you did! 

I guess you can do it from any site....

Agreement Alien Aloof-and-Bored
Alphabet Angels Angry
Animals Bad-Taste Celebrate
Character Confused Devils
Disdain Doh Evil
Famous Fighting Film
Food-and-Drink Foolish Fruit-and-Veg
Girly Glasses Greetings
Guns Happy Headgear
Ill Infomilies Laughing
Lost-It Love Manga
Matrix Medieval Music
Robots Sad Scared
Seasonal Signs-and-Flags Smiling
South-Park Sporty TV

Bit rubbish!


Bit Naughty - oops

Hubba Hubba.

Wanted to ask actually if Kev, Suff, Drunk, Zom, Xan were playing Revenge still?  Only out of all the people i've raced, I enjoy your rooms very much - top of the list - and I aint seen you on there these days....?? Maybe i'm looking in the wrong places lol Anyone got any tips on Kitten Litter training?  Mine are superbly awesome fur balls and I love em already but one - the male - is attention seeking and very territorial.... pepper in corners worked for a while but now he just avoids corners and dumps in the middle of the floor hehehe Kittens sneezing are funny - I don't think its cruel to em - bless em   What a horrible smiley - cant.... get... rid.... of..... smiley...... nooooooooooooo


--Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

PsychedelicBabe's picture

omg.....i absolutely  these.....maybe just maybe....if i  xandu enough he might just  together with his beloved  and add some of the better ones to the link above....please im  you...i love them soooo much. Thanks for finding these for me Ichi... i think ill save them all so i can use them at my leisure.......yeah man cool..... some of them are a bit naughty.......so im not expecting them there.....but the moving ones are especially the best......so come on xan work that magic you have  and introduce some of these excellent editions before you end up .....lololol.......thank you ............


ichienkai's picture

As the old saying goes..... what are friends for?!  This is my fav though - I too wish Bootleg was blogging coz this would be in his sig hahahaha  

--Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Hey xan i was thinking.....and well you know im owed a few addiction points {because you forgot to give me them}........well i was thinking for every point that im owed ...... could i choose 1 of ichis smileys ......  its just that i figured your not going to add just any old ones...{if you do}....and i would pick ones...... please think about it at least............

The Kid 74's picture

Just watch which ones you pick.


-The One and Only-


-The One and Only-

PsychedelicBabe's picture

 I already have them in mind.....i think you are supposed to get 5 points for upoading a video so ive chose 5 and they are of the cleaner nature.......i know a few of them where a bit rude........but i assure you i have chose 5 that everyone will find a use for........i just need xan to approve........which may be tricky...



We cant all be PERFECT.....but its fun trying......

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Why do i have to keep returning to this thread in order to use a few smileys?.....its getting frustrating i wish xan would add a few.... having fun with the colour glitch though....lol.....


drunknnumpty's picture

thanks for the cudos on good rooms.. were all still around but it doesnt seem to be as much as it used to.. for me my real life has taken over for a while but im still on as much as i can.. although mainly on rockband or rainbow six.. will have to get back on burnout soon.. might even give paradise another try..

as for training cats.. mine responded well to a water pistol.. squirt them when they do something wrong, or are about too.. and they'll learn fast.. soon you will be able to just hold up the pistol and they will stop whatever they are doing.. it may be cruel but its funny.. lol 


and thank you for all the emoticons, that with the slow network connection at work.. its taken about 10 minutes to be able to post a reply.. at least its wasted some of the morning.. lol


theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

Gooner Rhyle's picture

Loving the cat training. I do a similar thing to mine when I'm ironing...a little squirt of water goes a long way. He seems to be getting immune to it now though...just giving me a dirty look like the little bastich is storing it all up and I'm going to wake one morning with a steaming heap warming my chest....sorry if that's disgusting...

As for paradise...give it another shot for sure. The online Road Rage is genius and the new timed challenges are even better than that.

PsychedelicBabe's picture

It took me 4 mins to post this reply   phew at last......i read your post numpty and i was wondering where you got to.....i havent been online for a while myself......i see paul going on revenge but there doesnt seem to be half as much activity as there used to be......i think with our lovely british summer{giggling} everyones decided to take time out....i think your all probably spending too much time annoying your poor s....lol....i did giggle though at the thought of spraying the cats with water pistols.....i used to think i was really mean because i actually use that very same tactic.....but not on my .....i use it on my eldest teenage daughter who has really bad problems getting out of bed.....it works too....lmfao...so i can only imagine how the cats feel.....lol....