Online Rookie

I have played offline for what seems like forever, and now that I am finally going online, it is like I am starting all over again, and I am a bit overwhelmed.I have alot to do!

Where is the best place to start?What should I do first?



ZombieTron's picture

That's the first step anyway!

If you join an unranked freeburn they will probably be doing Road Rules, Challenges or one of the online game modes.

If you join a ranked room they will probably be running races.

I'd say start by joining an unranked room with your mic and cam (if you have one) plugged in. Say "Hi" and hope for the best!

If you join a good room you will soon make some good friends!

If you want to complete your challenges ask the host to run them in between other games, a varied room is always more fun!

Good Luck!!

Dodger455's picture

Thanks for the info, I've got my headset, and I'm ready

to start my first set of challenges to get the Carbon Ubershall!