Do you need more Burnout friends?

If you are playing Burnout on the XBOX 360 and want to extend your friends list with up to 99 BurnoutAholics you should keep reading...

As some of you probably know I own the gamertag BurnoutAholics. A couple of weeks ago at one of our BurnoutAholics meet-ups SUFFUR suggested that I should open up the friends list on BurnoutAholics and let members of join it so they easily can get in touch with other BurnoutAholics without filling up their own friends list.

If you add BurnoutAholics as a friend you will have access to that gamertag's friends list and you can easily get in touch (send messages, invite and see online status) with all the people on the list.

Send BurnoutAholics a friend request today to extend your friends list. Since you have to be a member of to be accepted you should include your BurnoutAholics username if it is different than your gamertag. Please note that it can take a couple of days before the request is accepted.

To avoid having the list filling up with inactive BurnoutAholics I will do a cleanup a couple of times a month where I will remove people that have been offline for more than 14 days or haven’t played an online burnout game in more than a week. This is to keep the list fresh and to make room for new BurnoutAholics. If you get removed from the list don’t get offended. It only means that you haven’t been playing enough Burnout and you can just send us another friends request when you are back online.

Thanks to SUFFUR for the original idea.