I've been thinking about this question now for some time?.......AM I A TRUE BURNOUTAHOLIC?......WHAT IS A TRUE BURNOUTAHOLIC?.....What i mean is are you classed as a burnoutaholic because you play the game everyday?...or is it because you love the series?...I think im a burnoutaholic because i KNOW that im addicted to REVENGE....So what and why do you think you are classed as a burnoutaholic?.....ive noticed over the time that there are in fact 2 types of have the ones that love the game and everything about it but when theyre not playing it they become otherwise distracted.....then you have the ones that cant get enough of the game and dont enjoy playing anything else.....IM sitting here now thinking about when REVENGE isnt going to be available online EVER AGAIN.......what happens to burnoutaholics who only love REVENGE? we still have the right to call ourselves bunoutaholics?.......that scares me because i class myself as a TRUE BURNOUTAHOLIC?.....but i only play and love REVENGE? in the eyes of the burnout world am i REALLY classed as a burnoutaholic?....... well i guess proposing that bet to Dodger may answer my question of AM I A TRUE BURNOUTAHOLIC?.......because whether i like the game or not if Dodger doesnt agree to my thoughts on Revenge then a month on Paradise it is for me? will that prove anything?......maybe it might make me see that other games are and can be of interest......i dont want you thinking that all i play is Revenge because it isnt......i play loads of games but i have to admit whilst playing them all im thinking about how bored im getting and i fancy a race?......i tell you what i have noticed is that regular people who played Revenge on a daily basis would also be regular visitors to this site and the one over the wall also.....but when theyre not playing Revenge they dont even come in here?......i never played Revenge for 3 weeks hence not having an x-box and i still came and read and commented and paid my respects .... so are people thinking that just because theyre not playing a Burnout game they cant come and still participate?.....i hope they dont think like that because well probably never see them again? personally i think Burnoutaholics is about more than the game its about a close click community who all know and get along with each other......and that you all share the passion of a great game.......well when Revenge does eventually go ill still be here writing about how good it was.......


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....



jwillisjr's picture

What do you like about Burnout Takedown? Have you played it before?  I think of myself as a Burner. To label myself as something me in my case, it wouldn't be right.  I love burnout yes, but I am not blindh to crazy marketing tactics and changes to the game and such. I guess you can say that i'm an imformed Burner.  I'm still learning Paradise, but bc I was such an avid takedown and revenge deciple; I will not act as if I do not see that somehow this company is becoming a bit desperate or experimenting with this game.  Maybe the next game will be even better. ( Bikes!?!?! you must be kidding me, Criterion.  "Don't break my heart, don't take my heart, dont-dont-, dont throw it away..."


"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya

"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA

ZombieTron's picture

As our intro says:

A BurnoutAholic is a gamer who is passionate about the Burnout series developed by Criterion Games.

You are passionate about Burnout Revenge, so are a true BurnoutAholic!

There shouldn't be any competition about who is more true. If you love one game in the series, that's enough.


PsychedelicBabe's picture



....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


Dodger455's picture

Yeah, I think you are, not that this is bad.I am working on becoming one,or maybe I'm there now.I don't know.What I do know is that you are devoted to your craft, and I can appreciate that.I love other games too.Having to play Paradise for a month should not be considered as punishment.It is the experience that counts, you know "nice place to visit, but wouldn't want to live there".It's about going there,and doing something different,not about the place itself.I'm looking forward to playing Revenge.You're not asking me to go Revengeaholic, you're asking me to go there! and try it, and I will.Being a Burnoutaholic is a victimless crime, be proud of it.Back to the original question:

If you come home at lunch from your job to play, you might be a Burnoutaholic.

If you skip out on your best friends wedding to get in a race, you might be a burnoutaholic.

If you are at the store, and you knock down someones cart with yours, and yell TAKEDOWN!you might be aburnoutaholic.

If you drift on hardwood floors with your socks on, you might be a burnoutaholic.

If you are driving across a bridge, and you think of how many stunt point you can get by jumping over it,you might be a burnoutaholic.

If you find yourself working an imaginary controller because you are bored, and nowhere near a console, you might be a burnoutaholic.

If all of your friends are burnout players, and you have no other friends,you might be a burnoutaholic.

And if you spend more than 20 mins blogging about it per day, you might be a burnoutaholic.

3 day weekend coming up, Labor day in the States, and I hope to get in a little Burnout time, Beer, Football, and taking it easy here in Kentucky.



PsychedelicBabe's picture

OMG......i guess i really am....reading your post made me giggle because i do all the above...........there was just one quote that you missed out but i think that im the only person grown up enough to admit it..... If you lie there going to sleep you can race round the track in your head and know where all the traffic is and still WIN..........lmfao i guess i really am a Burnoutaholic.......p.s i blog for 6 hours a day not 20 mins.....lmao....


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


oO EezO Oo's picture

You got me thinkin Psyche, ( yeah I know, its dangerous ) but beer with me here...   Alot of people mention that Revenge is dying, I don't think so but still, it gets brought up alot.  Usually someone follows up by mentioning that they wish we could just get some more tracks for the game.  I really really doubt that will ever happen, Revenge isn't even in the workshop anymore.  All tidied up and tucked away.  But its still fun to daydream a bit.   How cool would it be if they would just tone down the eye-candy a little bit so they could crank up the in game speed a little bit?  Who cares about the visual textures on the buildings or how many leaves are in the trees?  We all stopped looking at that stuff a long time ago.  If they scaled that back a little bit and put a bit more emphasis on the running speed of the cars I think it would breathe alot of fresh air into the game.  Move it from 209-230 avg.  to like 250-280 running speed, before boosts etc.  Make the grafx look like Tron and put us in permanent lag-start mode for all I care.  Could be treated like a patch, or DLC, puts you in 'stoopid crazy' mode, set aside from other racers who are playing in 'norml' mode.  Ah....   just day dreaming again.


Try to look on the bright side of things.  If Criterion / EA are losing interest in Revenge, then they might be more lenient on what they're willing to let happen with the Revenge content.  That copyright has to run out sometime right?  Public domain in like 10 or 15 years ? :-)  

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


PsychedelicBabe's picture

 I love day dreaming about Revenge and what will happen or not in this case......i like the idea of changing the speed?......i love it when we have a lag start its so freaking hilarious especially when its the entire race.....but it never will happen.............i guess where just going to either wait and see if there is a Burnout 6 is in the pipeline......or we wait for Rofer to find himself a brilliant Games Developer............i am searching for you Rofer i really far the only developers ive encountered are into developing other genres not racing genres but i will find somebody to help you out......after all it will be in everybodys interests.......

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....



Rofer's picture

whether or not we are considered true burnoutaholics i have thought about that before as well. Zombie tron gave me the same answer that if you are passionate about 1 burnout game than you are a burnoutaholic. I wasn't sure if i was or not before that, because i though that mabey i wasn't since i hated paradise so much. But until revenge came out, Burnout 2 was my favorite game of all time. When burnout 3 came out i was like wtf this isn't feel like burnout. To this day i like burnout 2 better. But after playing so much revenge you can start really seeing the similarites between revenge and b3 and so i started to understand the essense of burnout 3.

I am working very hard to become a developer, i am trying to also balance out my burnout addiction too by playing that as much as i can so that i don't get tempted while i am working. I know that if i diddn't play video games at all i would probably be further in programming but i would much rather for my concience to be satisfied before i make the game of my dreams.