Day/Night Cycle Choices Revealed


Criterion Games have made some exciting announcements over at the Playstation Blog detailing some of the changes that the day/night cycle will have to Paradise City.

We will get to choose how long the day/night cycle lasts. If you want to zoom through a day you can choose 24 minutes, or if you prefer there is the option to do a real time 24 hour day, and anywhere in between.

When you join an online game the clock is synched to the host and you will see the day fast forward before your eyes.

The night time hours will be from 8pm - 8am. Half of the new burning routes for bikes will be night time only and are called "Midnight Rides".  Night time will not only have an affect on the lighting, but also on the traffic density. The traffic will thin out as the sunsets, to clear the roads for high-speed racing.

Click HERE for the full Playstation Blog.