Is this site Paradise orientated?......

I know im stepping on thin ice here writing this but its been bugging at me for about 3-4 days now i just need to air my here goes ive heard people talking about this site after ive tried to introduce them to this site and they havent been interested because they thought it was more of a Paradise site?......i was like wtf no its not there are plenty of blogs and interesting things about Revenge too?.....but do you know what ive been scouring this site over the last 2 days to see what a first impression would look like.....and i actually think these people are right.....dont get me wrong i love it in here but is that because im part of the community?.....the burnout community?....would i have been as quick to join if i didnt know anyone in here? when i looked at the site i was looking at it as if i didnt know anyone in here and that it was my first time......and it is all Paradise?.......the poll is always about Paradise......and the title has Paradise in it.......and all the Recent F&Q's are about Paradise...... so i kind of see where some of these people were coming i taking the p*ss ive had said to no its for everyone who plays any burnout genre....i say that to them and there like no its all Paradise? sorry if this offends anyone by writing this but i just feel that maybe we should have a bit more Revenge on the main screen.... i know what your going to say too that for the poll and the recent f&q's to change people have to obviously be asking them particular questions.....and as long as noone from Revenge asks them they wont appear.....but how can i get more people from Revenge in here if it looks like it all to do with Paradise.....


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....



jwillisjr's picture

I get what you mean, it seems that in most cases, people will talk about:


Relevant ( to the masses or to them)

What they know or choose to except

Or just generally accepted.


I have a question, are revenge servers still up?  I would like to play that online soon.



"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya

"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA

PsychedelicBabe's picture

YEAH of course they are....we for now anyways.......but i figured the more people who play it the longer it will yeah jump on and see what Burnouts all action packed racing full of adrenalin with awesome takedowns thrown in for good measure..........come and join the party.....


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


ZombieTron's picture

This is a user driven community, so if YOU write more stuff about Burnout Revenge, it will be there for everyone to see.

Nero's guide to maintaining speed in Revenge is still on the front page, but has dropped a few stories down as there have been recent Paradise developments.

This site is the most inclusive of ALL Burnout games of any other Burnout fansite.

We (the Creator and I)  Absolutely Adore  every single Burnout game! This is the best site for Burnout, Burnout 2: Point of Impact, Burnout 3: Takedown, Burnout Revenge, Burnout Dominator and Burnout Paradise. The only game we have neglected is Burnout Legends as it is pretty much just Takedown on handhelds anyway.

Our Achievements are based on Burnout Revenge. The site started pre-Paradise, so was all about Revenge and the earlier games. We have a Clips page where you can upload your Burnout Clips from Revenge. We have a video page dominated by Revenge videos.  The Revenge FAQ is our 2nd largest FAQ with loads of Revenge questions answered, if we are missing anything vital on there, please let us know.

Just click on Burnout Revenge in our Burnout menu on the left hand side of the site and you will see that we have 5 pages full of Revenge stories, polls, blogs, news and FAQ's.

We welcome new stories and blogs, guides, videos and whatever else the community want to send in for Burnout Revenge, but this site isn't just about the previous Burnouts and Paradise is the current generation, so ofcourse we will have the up to date news on what is happening in Burnout Paradise, and whatever Burnout may come after that too!

If you have any Poll suggestions for Revenge related polls (or for any Burnout related Poll) Please post it to our Poll idea forum thread HERE .

We are always open to ideas and suggestions, so let us know what we can add to the site to make it better!

Xandu's picture

Burnout Revenge Servers for all platforms except XBox 360 were shutdown almost a year ago.

The Burnout Revenge Servers for XBox 360 are still very active. Also Burnout Revenge made it to the XBox 360 Classics and new copies of the game are still being sold (for around £10 - £20). A friend of mine actually just picked up a shiney new copy of the game yesterday.

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

Jinno Angelo's picture

If you have a lot of free time Psych, I would like to talk to you about a Revenge Project that Ive been thinking... This I guarantee will be turned into a Featured Article, but I think I may need to collaborate with a few of the best players in Revenge history...


Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Nito you know more than anyone that i have more free time than id ever imagine?.......and as for helping you with a project..........i would absolutely when do you want to talk about it?....just let me know when i have absolutely nothing to do today so let me know? actually going on Burnout in 5 mins on my  xMOTOR MUFFx feel free to come and let me know what it is your upto?.....


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


Jinno Angelo's picture

OK, I will meet u there





Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

I know i can put a question to the poll and i also know that i can ask a new FAQ but come on whos going to answer it?....whos going to vote?.....everyone in here plays Paradise.........i did understand what you were saying but i was going of what input i had got of people i had tried to introduce to this here site..........but i suppose its there loss if they cant read further than the first page then theyre obviously not intended to be in here?..........And as for adding to the site?.....what could i possibly add to this site it has everything i need maybe it hasnt got the amount of Revengeaholics in here as id like but i guess a girl cant have everything?....who knows i might be playing Paradise myself soon ..........


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


SUFFUR's picture

But I can understand you thinking that, this site as long as it's to do with Criterion games, Burnout, it's all go.

Just that Revenge is coming to it's end cycle. It has only got a couple of years left, maybe not, but people were too busy playing Revenge to write about it, and Paradise, is a pick up, put down type of game, less addictionation than the other games in the series.

Nothing wrong with writting about the past though, had some good times on Revenge, so much so that trying to find a single story to write about is quite hard to do. I know I played a lot of people on that game, almost as much as Takedown.

Paradise is more laid back or not, depending how you play it, and you have to play to know it, then accept the crashing is some thing that happens alot until you don't, and then when you crash at that stage, getting upset is futile, because shyte happens, and do something else. It's not Revenge, thats the gnikcuf point. Revenge could have a lot of life put into it, but it would take finding someone to do it, pay them, and accepting that even if they get it right in most people's eyes some is still going to hate, that additional content. Or accept that Revenge is is good as it gets for that game, and you have to stick with it until it sunsets.

Me Paradise is a way forward, it has issuses but I live with it, until it goes all pete tong then I turn of the box and put something else on, being apart of "The year of Paradsie", is a great marketing tool, but there is communication with developer and community, but the Team have a goal and are going to stick with it, and along the way fix as many issuses being brought up as they can. It's an experience, that when it's finished will be very interesting.

To get into Paradise you have to finish most of the single player, at least unlock all the cars, do your road rules, then do them again on line, from there you need to know where every street is, and get to it without looking at the map, because the map will kill you. Once you know each road, you will know it's shape, and it's traffic, and what time you can get, that racing and free roaming will be a walk in the park. After that you got to deal with lag and lag takedowns, some geography that wreaks certain cars, the odd internet hicup, and some other issuses, and you will enjoy Paradise, as the open world lobby, where stopping is allowed anywhere. Who needs speed when you can Park!!

Again with the random skcollob.

Paradise just throws more information at you, at any one time than most games do, that is, it can be distracting, but once you are in the zone, it's fun. But more curcuit races should be in Paradise, with lap times and total times, it we give it a classic flavor of the games of yor.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

FrozenVapor's picture

I think that message at the top of the screen, "Welcome to Paradise", might be one of the main things causing Revenge addicts to see this place as Paradise-oriented. I understand the reasoning behind it, but when the first thing a Paradise hater sees on the screen when they load up the site is "Welcome to Paradise"... well, you know what I mean.

ZombieTron's picture

TBH although I would be very happy for Revenge fans to join the site, I don't want a lot of Paradise HATE on here, so if people who HATE Paradise are kept away... maybe that is for the best.

As I always have said, this site is for ALL Burnout games, and Paradise is included within that.

We were thinking about changing the "Welcome to Paradise" message, but I don't think we have come up with anything better yet....

We will have another look at this tho, as it seems to be causing some problems within our little community.

Jinno Angelo's picture

Your site has been expanding as of late and you will run into players who have different points. The fact is, it is inevitable that problems will arise here and you shielding the site for the sake of keeping "a friendly environment" isnt really helping much to one side of spectrum. People do have to vent out, get their opinions heard, and look for others who share the same opinions and enjoy the same games they do. How can they do that if the site is only centered on one game?? One that they may not like..



Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

ZombieTron's picture

And NOT Revengecentric either! I'ts all about BURNOUT!!!

If Revenge fans don't feel welcome here, and changing the Motto will really make all the difference, we will get it changed.

I want to Welcome ALL fans of ALL Burnout Games to post their opinions in their Blogs, and to add their comments to other peoples opinions.

My Blogs have been some of the most Paradise critical, and we certainly aren't saying Paradise is perfect, but Revenge is hardly the most golden of the Burnout games either, but which Burnout is best is an argument which I can't really have, cos I like 'em all.

SUF and I were talking about this Blog post yesterday, while we were playing Paradise, and maybe this site should have different "zones" for each of the Burnout games, so maybe a RevengeAholics Zone. But I want this site to be inclusive of ALL Burnout games, and I feel that Your Blog is Your Zone and you can make that to be about whatever you like.

My post above about Paradise haters is my own opinion, and not that of The truth of it is that you can HATE Paradise and Blog that as much as you like. I just wont like it. I wouldn't like it if members blogged HATE for any of the Burnout games. Cos I LOVE THEM ALL!

kevlar0's picture


To whom it may concern,

Revenge will always have a place on here, and a place in all true burners’ hearts, even scrubs like myself, and a few others on here, whom play for the experience that only Revenge can give. We all get the same buzz when we are teararseing through Angel Valley with our asses on fire, neck and neck.

Ok, Paradise is much talked about on here at the moment, only because of the GCC (Game Changing Content), some looks good, some looks a bit iffy to say the least, C’mon, I mean, planes??? WTF.

Psyche you hit the nail on the head with your question about community. A community is only as good as people whom participate, in here we have a great set of people, all individual, all mad as a frog in a blender.

The word HATE is being used far too often, Where did all the love go????.

STUFFUR and myself play most evening on whatever game takes our fancy, be it Burnout, Rainbow or naked UNO, IMHO the game you play is only as good as the people you play with, if you are in a room with a bunch of random mutes, it makes the game boring, on the other hand, get in a big room on (insert favorite game here) with a bunch of mad heads and the night just flies by.

I think if the Paradise “haters” actually played in a room with all friends in a fast paced room with something going on all the time, you may actually see where we Burnoutaholics are coming from and why we are all raving on about Paradise.

It’s a long way from being perfect, but fortunately I’m not looking for perfection, I’m just looking for a bit of banter and some entertainment, its all about the fun for me, The day I stop having fun online is the day I will terminate my Xbox live membership, I just hope that day never arrives.

Lets all get along you beeping beepers.


PsychedelicBabe's picture


I dont actually remember ever saying that i HATED the game and i certainly wouldnt enroll somebody in here that was HATE orientated......ok i dislike Paradise but i never said that i hated it.....all i was trying to put across was the fact that when people go to join the site it is all a little bit Paradise orientated and it seems to me that for a few people it was quite off putting.....i have read all the comments and i agree with everything everyone has wrote...and i know Paradise is the main topic of conversation at the moment with everything thats going on in it at the moment and that i also understand......i mean if they DID change Revenge then that would be the topic of conversation again and Paradisers might get ticked i guess it works both ways.....well i guess im just going to have to accept like SUFFER said that Revenge is dying and Paradise is the way forward.....even if that thought really upsets me ...... why should it upset me? it because i know im getting left behind staying on Revenge?....or is it because i know im not ever going to be playing my old Burnout friends again because they found the passion that i cant?....well i guess ill keep writing and annoying you all with my Revenge this and Revenge that untill the day it does fade into the sunset.....but then what happens to people like me who dont feel the same way about Paradise that you guys/girls do?.....sure well play other games but like SUFFER said you can only write so much about Revenge......


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


Jinno Angelo's picture

I think your worrying too much... I dislike Paradise, and I certainly dont think it is a step forward, but I wouldnt be too upset about the Revenge servers being dead..  I would like just new tracks thats all, at least something that cant be glenned easily...LOL..



"Take the light, undarken everything around me."

"Call the clouds and listen closely I'm lost without you"

"Call your name every day when I feel so helpless"

"I've fallen down but I'll rise above this, rise above this."

                                                                         - Seether


"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Im not really worried about the servers dying as i know this will eventually happen and when it does i guess ill just have to deal with it....i think my main worry is the fact that when something you love is taken away from you and you cant do nothing about it is infact going to be really annoying.....i do love going on Revenge not only because all my friends are there but for the satisfaction of gameplay.....i play loads of games and i really enjoy playing them but noone else i play on Burnout plays these games with me and i never seem to get the same fulfillment out of a game as i do with when im on Revenge its the only time i get to play and talk to these i guess thats what im going to miss the most....and as for new tracks......ive giving up completely on that agenda as we all know it will NEVER EVER happen.....i love your little final speech by the way nito.....


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....