Well I'm on my own...

My Dad's gone of the China with bad weather on the way and the Landslide, one of my brothers is in Texas, just about to be hit by Ike, and I was going to use this next couple of days to get my CV together and apply for some jobs at the Singapore gaming houses, don't know what to apply for yet, but I play games, do a lot of media work for myself  and some others, and handy with a camera, can do art, but there is a stigma attacted to that from my school dayz, so I don't rely on my art not that i have done much of that in the last 10 years or more.

And why am I not applying for work as yet, well my reference for find the gaming houses here was in that Edge Magazine, that had the Burnout Paradise Article in it, it covered so many things that make it easier to find these places over here. Not taht Singapore is big, but it is a bit of a rabbit warren.

Also there is going to be another Gaming Convention over here, on the 18 to the 20 of September, and I'm trying to get in as a freelance journalist for Burnoutaholics, a sort of representation as it were. Got a contact email to try that out, would be nice to have a press pass and write something above my usual skcollob. Plus Peter Molyneux, is doing a Key Speaker role and I want to see that, because he seems an honest guy and entertaining. Plus Fable 2 is shaping up to a lost that weekend type of game.

I wonder if the Criterion guys will be showing off the bike pack, doubt it but you never know (I'll do it if you guys want? I even give it te love it needs to sell it, and not lie about lol), and will probably be the only way I'm going to get a go on it, until I get back, my Dad will be here until at least December, and I wanna see if I will still be here till then, sorry people but Singapore is my Paradise. If I had an HD TV, a 360, a kick assed internet connection and my own place to live, with a decent job, I would be in heaven, of course my place would have room for visitors, so some of you could stay and play and enjoy Singapore like a tourist.

Anyway it started to rain, like those drops from the Matrix movies you know those last two that people weren't keen on but the rain drops are huge, almost like little gem or jewels falling from the sky (no not the little iced biscuits or the femal singer, though she could rain on me any time {oops male testosteroness, bad Suffur, your a monk of the church of Burnout}), and the smell is an experience that I have missed since childhood, running around in the flood waters and swimming in the storm drains, don't tell anyone I said that, it's very dangerous, and maybe against the law now and then, but I was a kid then, oops I did it again.

Anyway going to watch podcast 9 and see what the girls and boys are doing at Criterion, like when is that bike pack out?