The Blog after the blog am working on, Because I'm in Hong Kong, with the Tigers!

Well I am in HK, on Discovery Bay, staying with the Tigers, and I must say, they have got it made, and have changed my mind I want to live here, now!

This place is great, though no pool per say but a beach with a shark net, here fishy fishy!

The flight was cheap but no leg room.

And the first thing I played was Burnout Paradise, Bikes and it's ok, but the dark was a bit disappointing, and some issues with it over all but a good free download, when I get a good play on it may write a review, or may not.

Anyway if the Tigers invite you, you must come over even for a week, it's worth it, just for seeing a different way of the world.

Anyway since i'm here to enjoy myself and got my GT, I will see you online, sometime in the next 4 days.



SUFFUR's picture

Not sure of the speed but will check?

Have just left the Tiger's place and I must say what agreat trip,a bit short, my choice as I was not sure of what type of imposing I was doing, but will come again, it was fantastic, and if invited you should got.

Sad thing is though can't carry ciggies to Singapore, tried to buy at the airport duty free and can't do it abd they were cheap as chips, booo!

But hey I'll live with it, but HK was a great place will write more when I have a ciggy in my hand when i get Home.

Anyway see you guy maybe 2morrow from Singapore,



Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

And now need to blog a bucket load, some from the Games show, ouch, glad i got notes and HK, plus start job search 2.2 Asia or back to bloody Blighty, now it's late time for bed.

And dream of decent, non-soppy, very hard core Burnout Mottos to send to my bosses, as they seem to want to change them on a regular basis, maybe Manic Monday, Triptic Tuesdays, reknaW Wendsdays, though i lost it on Suffur (it shrunk in the wash) Sunday (thank you MR.T, lol) I now have the smalls of a small child?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out? (Italics represents a squecky voice)AS they are so tight, tioght loike a Tioger!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?