Updates 2008-10-04

We have some really exciting news for you today!

This morning I upgraded our forums and they now have a new look! This makes them more like other forums that you may be used to. Here is a list of the major changes.

  • Each post in the forum now shows your avatar, your addiction points, member number and more.
  • Replies are now in date order oldest first. This applies to all comments on the site.
  • New graphics for showing forum topic status.
  • More detailed history of forum threads.
  • Poster Online/offline status shown on each post.
  • New PM button on each post in the forums.
  • Number of replies shown in each thread.
  • Each reply is now numbered.
  • Comments are no longer threaded. This means that comments are all aligned to the left.
  • Added “Add blog” to the top menu (your menu) for easy access.
  • Renamed “Addiction meter” to “Contributors”
  • The website's favicon has been changed. It is now a red B on a white background. Depending on your web browser you might have to restart your browser, computer or delete all temp internet files to see the change.

We are very interested to hear your views on the new changes.

I've been doing a lot of work on the site for the last couple of days so I'm taking time off now. I'll be back in action after a couple of days of R&R


oO EezO Oo's picture

Oh yes, the new forum format is the way to go.


CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


PsychedelicBabe's picture

.......Nice work xan and im sure not just speaking for myself here when i say this but the changes you have made are absolutely FANTASTIC........i love them and im sure everyone else does.....it also looks cool when you log out how could noone not join now ...... its cool nice one mate you deserve a rest as i know more than anyone that it isnt easy doing what you have done........

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....