Burnout Movie!

      Well I am big fan of the burnout series. I am attending Film school in LA and one of my Dreams is well to make a burnout movie! One of the things I would not want to mess up is the cars. I want to have custom cars Similar designs from the Series. but you cant have cars driving with out people unless you make it complicated with remote control storyline or CGI so people will need to be involved. I would not want CGI because that would mostly attract little kids that is not what im going for. I would not want to ruine the series with lots of talking because there really isnt any talking besides the DJ! there will be crashing, thrashing, and big bangs and just the like games there wouldn't be a star car just different races every time. the story would be just like the games to be the best and once you get to the top and are at the end. a surprise awaits there to take you down! now thats staying true to the game i would say! good or bad?


SUFFUR's picture

With the games themselves, via a video capture, use one car as a camer, so FPV, and get someone to race around, do a master then cut it up, with the camera car parked on corners etc as the car/s come round them, I'm sure i wrote this somewhere else?

When your happy with that, show it around, find some locations that match in the real world, as well, find a place that can build your cars, the shells over frames, and then find someone who can afford to pay for it all, lol. If you need help give me a shout, via a message. I can't do the cap because I'm over here but when I'm there, I'll give it another go, though I can't do it in HD yet?

And nothing wrong with using a Stig like character driving, it's the cars that the star, and the driving, but doing the boost jump for Revenge will be fun to try and shoot, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Xedec's picture

That is a good idea i would need a lot of help making a short film just using the game. That would take a few months of work. But i would also later on like to make a real movie live action film for burnout! and i would need a short story for the short film!

(People play Road Rage on purpose?)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

kevlar0's picture

I could play a piss soaked tramp who sits in the gutter waving his bottle of meths and screaming obsenities at the cars as they drive past, you could even run me over if you like.

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

PsychedelicBabe's picture

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....

I agree with Kev i would do ANYTHING to get a part in this movie......

Xedec's picture

for having people in the movie i would need to use green/blue screen and right now i am slowing learning how to deal with it! as for being in the movie i would love for people to be in the movie especially burnout alohics!~

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

ChaosPortal's picture

I would not recommend completely throwing away the idea of having a main character. It's always good to have a central point to the plot. Otherwise, the movie just becomes tedious and boring. Now, you could follow all of the drivers as main characters, but just having the races be the focus would probably not sell well. Another point is that, even though the games do not have a main character, having one in the movie gives the fans someone to look at and say "that was me".

Also, CGI does not automatically draw little kids. CGI done well will draw the right people. You have my word.

P.S. I'm working on the script for a Burnout Film project myself. I'll race you to the checkered flag.