45 takedowns!

hello guys and girls. i've been trying for about 3 days(off and on,not straight,sheesh) to get the 30 takedowns on revenge, lvl.10 ,Eternal City.well... this morning... i finally got it! not only did i get the thirty, but i got my best(i'm pretty sure)i got 45 takedowns! and i'm 95% all by myself this time,last time i did 100% on the game my ex helped me. She was a better driver than me(faster brain,lol)but i didn't let that bother me.I just watched and learned. So i was wondering what other peoples bests were? NOT ONLINE. BUT! my mistake was,right car just a slower speed. Eternal City lvl. 10 sucks! and Eternal City is 1 of my fav tracks but the new construction site is a pain in the butt! BurnOut is a game that sooo eerily seems alive and just messes with your head. And that my friends,is why you keep turning on the game...It is like a drug to me(sad?)because right now i'm babbling and in an almost euphoric state from my 45 takedowns and now i'm going back 4 more.So hopefully ,if i have time,by the end of the week i will have 100% on Revenge. And then i will go back to BurnOut 3 Takedown. So now i  head off to 5% of fun and frustration...


ZombieTron's picture

Good job on the 45 Takedowns, I can't remember what my Revenge record is, I'm still not 100% as I still have signature takedowns, and I'm not 100% on Takedown either for pretty much the same reason.. just got a couple of takedown trophies to get. My Paradise record is 44 Takedowns.

A strong, slower car is definitely the way to go for racking up those Takedown scores.

Good Luck! let us know when you are 100% we will have a party!!