Paradise Confessions: Blackwolf22303 "The back of the Bus..."

Well, another day in Paradise city. Everything was going well, I raced a few people online and then got offline for some other kind of fun.  I found myself wondering pass white cars, red cars, Gillet vans and then it hit me...I am in a Takedown 4x4...and I hate these Buses.  For a while now the Paradise Metro has laughed in my face, mocking me as I tear through traffic but not through it. An here is where the story begins...

I followed a bus from behind and ran it off to the side of the road and caused enough damage to it that it could no longer escape my grasp. Keeping in mind that I am pushing it from the back of the bus mostly and on its sides, I pushed it onto Rigeway Cliffs, I believe that is the name. I pushed it until we got to the bridge and through it off the top of the dam into the fog. I waited, for I did not hear a loud crash, I so jumped to my death so I had thought. Then...there it was...Mocking me...again it lived. Yes doors were coming off the bus and it was beatened up really badly, but this was not enough.  So I pushed it off another platform and up the hill all the way up to where that super jump is that has you land right at the beginning of Southbay as you come off of the mountains...By now it was badly broken down and it dissapeared; I can still hear its desperation horn ringing in my ears. I wanted to atleast push it into a watery grave, but it had taken its last drop.

I asked myself this question, did I let the Takedown 4x4 control me? Is there something about it that makes one want to harass and target buses? For that, I may never know the answer to.  One thing for sure is...I will make a video, of my dirty deeds I take part in alone in Paradise city.


Note: No one was hurt during my dirty little deed. The bus had no driver and no real destination. There was no blood shed. All witness...what witness? They acted as if they did not see it at all.  Are the drivers in Paradise scared of Burners so much that they will not defend one of their own?

This is just one of the many Paradise Confessions of: Blackwolf22303