After all this time...

Here what happened lately... I decided to get my rank up to 75,500. Just to see who will actually let me stay in and race afterall, they do know what my gamertag is when they see Nero Angelo on... I have raced some of these players before so they know exactly how I race..

Well, I went to some of their rooms and guess what I got kicked by players who are ranked 200 and 300?... Only three people let me stay in their rooms and guess who they are, Shout (153), Waterball (70), and Dark (200)...

What does that suggest... After all this time people are still afraid to lose their precious garbage rank.... Aside from the really fast elite racers, many people still dont understand that rank is meaningless.....


PsychedelicBabe's picture

I had this problem myself a few months ago i had  a few nasty freeze outs and my rank went up to about 25000 and NOONE would race me......ill race any of my friends no matter what there rank i think those people who kicked you purely of your rank werent worth your presence in the room in the first place......ive raced you on loads of new tags and rank has never been an issue....why do so many people still treat this as a big deal......losers.....paul went in a room the other day and he got kicked and do you know what the guys reason was for kicking him?.....because he wasnt from the USA.....i thought this was highly amusing because if thats the attitude he is going to have i dont think his xbox days are going to last very long before he changes his gamertag and his attitude......