Brandon Crisp.....

Brandon Crisp was last seen on Oct. 13 at 3 p.m. when he left his Hickling Trail home after fighting with his parents. Steve Crisp says his son was losing sleep because he spent so much time playing a World War II-themed shooting game. The game in question was Call Of Duty 4 on the XBOX360. Brandon was very active on line and had many friends which he played on a daily basis.

Brandon,15, had been spending virtually every waking hour playing the Xbox game Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, his parents said. Which inevitably gave them cause them concern, Steve and Angelika Crisp had, as a result, revoked his video game privileges on numerous occasions, they said, ''On Oct. 13, after an argument over the amount of time he spent playing the game, Crisp jumped on his bicycle and sped away from the family home in Barrie, Ont.'' He was last seen around 3 p.m. that day, Thanksgiving Monday. "We still feel that he's met someone online or befriended someone online through this game, and if he's gained their trust, he would have possibly gotten into a car," said the boy's father on Tuesday.

But this simply wasnt the case as we later discovered as the case continued, days and nights passed and no one had heard or seen from Brandon, this was quite alarming to people who knew Brandon because they all knew his passion for his games console and the love of his online life. His bicycle that he had rode of on that day was later discovered that very same day, an Oro-Medonte resident found a similar bike near Ridge Rd. and Second Line. By the weekend, it was missing and it turned out to be that bicycle of Brandons.

So where was this 15 year old boy? he wasnt wearing anything more than a t-shirt when he left the house and i doubt he had much in his back pack to keep him warm on those cold nights. We later found out that the back pack that was in Brandons possession was actually packed by his father, whilst they were arguing Brandon threatened to leave home like so many youngsters do when they dont get there own way, and naturally because you dont think there going to do it you always respond with the 'Go on then?' and this is exactly the case here.

In the next few days several things occured in te case but still there was no sign of this boy, all the sightings that were reported he hadnt been on line at all and he hadnt contacted anybody, Microsoft even offered a $50,000 reward for any information in the whereabouts of this child. But still they didnt find anything. Many people speculated different things and many stories were being spread about this incident but none of them were ready for the shock finding that happened on the morning of November 5th 2008.

A teenage male's body was found on Wednesday morning by hunters in the Shanty Bay area where searches have been taking place since Oct. 20. They werent 100% sure if it was the body was Brandon and they investigated further. An autopsy has confirmed that this is the body of missing 15-year-old Brandon Crisp and that he died from chest wounds "consistent with a fall from a tree," Police said foul play isn't suspected.

Sgt. Dave Goodbrand who was leading the case said the cause of death opens up a host of new questions. That he fell from a tree "is very shocking to both the family and the community," he said. "It's tragic, absolutely tragic."

I think the shock that he actually fell from a tree worries the parents more than anything because they were so convinced that whatever was going to happen to their son was going to be related to his gaming side of his life. But as we know this isnt the case this child had literally ran away he wasnt lured like his parents beleived, and he wasnt kidnapped. He was being very immature at the time of running away but he was obviously a very stubborn kid who honestly thought hed get a different reaction to the one he initially recieved. So once he left he probably didnt have any idea what he was going to do.

So where did this popular boy go? he was missing for 3 weeks and still no body knows anything of his last footsteps. The investigation into Brandon's death will now take place in hope to try and piece together a timeline to determine what might have driven the teen to climb the tree. The medical examination will also attempt to pinpoint when Brandon actually died.

This is a very tragic incident and it will open the eyes of many parents out there, especially seeing as now more than usual parents are going to wonder how much of an effect games and consoles have on there children. My thoughts however at the end of this article go out to the parents, i cant even imagine how much they are going through right now, not only have they lost a son, they never got to say goodbye and everyday i know that them parents are going to feel the guilt and the pain that the years are going to bring. I know its unfair to use the word guilt because the parents were only doing what they could see at the time the only solution to the matter in hand...they didnt ever think that it would lead to the death of there little boy.



Jinno Angelo's picture

Hi kids! Do you like violence? (Yeah yeah yeah!)
Wanna see me stick Nine Inch Nails through each one of my eyelids? (Uh-huh!)
Wanna copy me and do exactly like I did? (Yeah, yeah!)

Yeah, do exactly that....


Kids nowadays? I guess it really is true... Video games alters one's sense of reality... 


"Hey Mister, I really like your daughter." "I'd like to eat her like ice cream, maybe dip her in chocolate."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).