
It's lots of words that begin with 'con', and could apply to this twittered but twattered sponsered event. No disclaimer here, it not sponsored by anyone but myself, and i hope this blog is understood as a 'trying (but a not here was a good idea after a reread) NOT to hurt animals or anyone, but it will, so sorry in advance, love will cure something beyond pain, and i'm going to get in trouble soon on way or another....

I have been on a ride, since last thursday, with talking xes, with a cool girl, to going to an Anime festival looking like a giant, cricky is that a crocodile, lets go and stick my thumb up it's arse, tanned ensumble. Have you noticed, spelling and namechecking, have left the building, and quite right to, i'm nakard, and it's a week later, after...

after just getting off a plane 3 days ago, to the two hours sleep, with a met up with school friends, in a drunk'n rave that i still suffur for? As we as school friends, are there to be with a good friend, Is'y, or Is'he? Whos' father died, dayz before, and due to faith and religion, he had to be buried toot' sweat, as it were? People rush all around and from across it to try and be there, as this was a state funeral, to a man, self exiled, after gaining a self impossed, third term of office, to win the election, to resign the next day, and walk away from something, he loved, by looking and seeing the bigger picture, and accepting, it will happen, and i hope i will live to see it, and his son made sure it did, and that was something, i am still on the crest of the wave of. ...Love is the biggest thing, that runs the good part of this world, oh and alcohol and presription drugs, and rec drugs, and cigerettes, and the 'gay' menthol ones, ...and did i say alcohol, the baddest of the bunch, and something i have hated for so long, that when i jump on it, the ride is part of the control freak that breaks out and says i must help all that i beleive suffur, for all reasons. And that side of me was funny looking from the outside, i'm such a baby, looking pretty sad, with nothing,  i cry, when in  truth, i have everything, just to be able to write about it...

also noticed the paragraphs had taken a break...

see there back, goes and reads what sh.. almost, i have written... knowing that i surfed the wave, and crashed to slumber last night, without the need for cover, and underessing to one level of one sock, and keeping the clothes, of the trip on?, well the jeans anyway, and a tshirt, clean, and known i have showered twice since the smoking rooms of the bars of '4 floors', still not looked up to see what i have writting, this is odd, will try and read this shy...almost again, yes not swearing or still bothering to proof read in case of repetition, so yeah the fight, not really, just another miss understanding, and i say why worry, cause every little thing will be alright, so don't worry, don't panic, it's all really harmless, see i like the hitch hikers guide movie, i understand some people saying nah, thats not my 'head version', and the great thing about the media is you can write your own visual version and sell it, please do so, and hire me to help, and i'll watch it to and like to critize your work, as i see fit,

there should have been a dozen paragraphes about


yes, dave is not here, chong or hal sorry H.A.L.>, (he had one lip reading eye), see now i got lost


.... and trying the ride down, i hate being back, i love being back, i'm just accepting... back... my mental stress levels were off the roof, and some where over Gloster, there's a 'u' right, well you put it in and i'll twitter about it, see now this is going to far from me, time travel is possible in the mind, but it unravels, i like the coffee ones some times, what i was thinging about, remanice, is spelt wrong, because, it supposed to look similar to lumines, why can't i spil, spell...

take a breath...., that has just been, 30 minutes of my journey and so far, nothing much has really happen, i'm just the guy that fell awakardly and found his arm rammed to the shoulder up the ssa of an elephant, that is running on the largest planes in the world  full of people that are expressing something emotional (i'll animated that some day, and a picture of a guy with his legs stuck though the port window of a plane fuselarge, (sp is getting weeker must resist, the urge to read back), Leg room on a plane is a goal to find out why, planes can't be palaces of comfort, and LIve on board...

right, sorry i did and it makes seens, sh... argh seems to me, so far, well i got it as the went along after a reread or two, now then...

i wanted to really have a ago at Kev, and because of , we were not lossing or loseing or losing, so ner, we were lagging, have been all night, and we were trying to see the fun side of realising ,the only gun i could kill with, was a glock, all bullets in some general direction to get what to me was another cool but lucky as 'fook' kill, now since it was only Kev, i was really doing this too, i would, and was fuel to a fire, that was hardly organic,

with this new party system,

...getting owned on Revenge, which was nice, gave me a chance to think of revisiting the game, to think of improving my takedowns on all those people who hurt me, by winning, my rank, and i know that it's not important, but most of them would be quitting, when they realise, they are parc, compared to me in my day, lol, because it's all about the speed, not the game play, the fix, even the xbox live fix... does not hold in the same way, NXE is amazing, but i feel intruded upon, we look like our avatars, our cartoon world,

...that works but it need tweeking, and since i'm on this wave writting it down to remember, find where the NAT settings place is to find out where i need kill someone, because i still have my amazing speed, but with 2 360's, two laptops and 2 pc's are pulling it about, it could be the reason, my game play was bad, but the clan-a-para-gatewarditus thing was supposed to make you realise numpty was un-happy, and none of... said we loved him, 'cept TP,

and we, as we ,

no me, twitter sexed, supposedly on my own, and made Zombie blush, when, it was not my fault, as TP had gained control of the twitter air waves... but what an intresting voyeuristing way of life with out words, full of them...

sorry went deep in a paddling pool of the distilled urea of the mind...

read the above and can't be bothered..., as it is the weekend, but pay for the Island or don't, it looks like, a lot of places to dick about in, at a reasonable price, i'll be interested, where the bells are, and i saw race track markings, hope or cosmetic, either way, you lease the game, for thier approval, we all need an approval, i say don't care except when you need to look vunrable, cause an emotion, and get a equal or lesser, or greater one back, life eh, who'ed want another one?

Right, and hour of my time wasted, when i could be doing something else, to write about later, with more importance than the scrambling and de-scrambling, of my brain wave or patterns, or what ever they were called, when i thought it ...un... (this is here because i wrote it and what the hell, do i needical transportation, or sleep...) 1 sec before hand to lose the real meaning of the words 'head dekcuf' and did i eat the cheese?

Why is it so unheathy, why is the water rubbish here, and why am i paying, the price i pay, for unmetered water, that could kill me with 'sidney stones, why does no one put the rubbish in the bin, because bins contain bombs, so we have no bins, people are not on the recycle way of life and taking it home, which we need to do.

Wow i'll need to try again later in the 'working' week, to much stimulus and you will lose your way.

But Con. does mean much and condition, control, condensation, where the simple ones, condemnation, concrete are cheap ones, but conditioning, is something to be broken if you want to see the real world, I think I have reach a certain condition, thats says, me and mine, oh and myself, will be trying to look after his'elf, for selfish reasons, that mean, distance helps you realize, live your own, share your own, sad that people kill thier own though. The news here must be killing you soul by soul, and yes this has lost all interest for me with out a a goal, I have one, doing the little things first, then keep building till it's mine shared with like minded people, and that is should not hurt anyone physically, end of...

Day 1, I was still breathing, digesting, and must of tripped into sleep... 

cya... I not back, he is black, yes, then your asian, rather than white , no matter how much cancer scares you, and we are living in interesting times, in a car, where a seat belt, will save lives, in a plane, so your teath are near by, in life, don't wear it, because risk is life, but not to the point of injury or death, it is the most...   and it's yours and no-one elses even if money changed hands,  look after it,   the other stuff will fade...

Gor trapped in letters and words, going to go now... bunch of con's?




ZombieTron's picture

I Love You Guys! and I did say it to or at least in reference to numpty yesterday...

I'm scared about Cola causing Cancer, a good friend was just diagnosed with the Pancreatic kind... not good.. and she was diet coke addicted for many years. I drink waay too much diet cola.. time to stop doing that.

edit: just doing a quick internet research about this, and I am going to throw out all my sweetners and only use natural sugar from now on. Why is Aspartame not banned??? If it has been known to cause cancer for 3+ years already??

Here is soul destroying... I'm taking my opportunity to leave, as I know I am powerless to make here better.

I hope the last 2 minutes of last nights playing is quickly forgiven and forgotten.


kevlar0's picture

Read it through a couple of times dudeoid, but still struggled with most of it, tangents spring to mind and going off on one, I'm guessing its just me being an uneducated urchin.

Your tactics on revenge leave a lot to be desired, i know you like racing slower cars against the Revenge racer but you always get you ssa kicked, which is nice, the numpt never seems to lose it, (sorry bout kicking off last night should have kept my big gob shut) he has been away for months and he comes back and turns us all over including some good randoms.

I hope your sleep patterns improve dude, two hours in three days can't be good for you, my advice is, close your eyes, lay on the bed, and imagine me reading your blogs, just kidding dude.

And as for your glock kills on me and everybody else, we were letting you kill us lol, you seem to forget how many times you have been on the recieving end of my scorpion (ooo err missus). In future lets try not to get too emotional over brokens habit of kicking anybody and everybody, its in his blood and he did apologise to the chu (who wasn't concered one iota unlike myself).

Zombs my heart goes out to your friend, cancer is the most feared disease, I'm sure she is a fighter and will beat it. Luckily for me though i don't do diets or diet coke, its full fat all the way for me with real sugar sprinkled liberally on top,.

I am going to buy the island i just like having a good moan, it looks like the dogs testis if the truth be known, and compared to some of the trump they charge you for on eggbox live it will be a steal.

He's not the messiah, he's a very sorry boy.

SUFFUR's picture

Coca Cola companies fizzy products, Fanta Near Still version, and F & N or Fanta Grape, as the most and now lots of water, I'm not impressed with the state of water down here! I try to avoid artificial sweetners, as much as possible too, diet products have scared me since the birth of 'diet' as a branding!

And i pay a large unmetered fee for hard, non-drinkable water, need to do a water blog, one day. And complain, water is our most important ingredient of life it should be owned by all, government run, but to sell it though government taxes, from the fees of portage only...

And cheers Kev for the chill out, it nice, and if you were offened by anything i said you were supposed to realize i was trying my best, to shock you into realizing, that the sand got washed away, to have lines to stand behind, love you  bro...! ...lly holder!

Lips is a fun game, get'em out and pucker'em up...............

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?