The (Rather Simple) Party Pack Achievements

I just noticed on that Burnout Paradise had a new image based on the "Ultimate Box" box art. And it seems that shows two newachevements for 25GS each:

Perfect Party Game - Complete a Party game where every player scores in every round

Massive Party Game - Complete a Party game of 8 rounds with 8 players

TBH, these just seem to be there just for the sake of having achevements. I would rather have 10 or so worth 5GS each that are a bit more fun to do. Then again, I probably won't get it anyway (speaking of which, I would rather the achievements simply not show if I don't have the DLC required).


ZombieTron's picture

This isn't what I was expecting from the added achievements. I remember in the Party Pack podcast that they showed what one of the achievements were, but I can't remember what it was now... or if it was the same as the two which are now showing on the achievement list.

I agree, that lots of 5g achievements would be preferable to two 25g ones which aren't really achievements anyway... just completion awards.

I doubt that we will pick up the Party Pack as we don't generally game with others at home, or if we do we already have a dual Xbox set up so we can play over Xbox Live.

We were discussing the Party Pack the other day, and because the manouvres like barrel rolls and flatspins are quite tricky to pull off and get used to, I think it will be difficult to have a successful Paradise Party with people who are totally new to the game, or new to gaming. It could lead to lots of frustration instead of fun!

I can't see my Mum enjoying it as much as she enjoys having a go on the Wii.

The flip side of that is if we have a party of Burnout Paradise hardcore players, the challenges in the Party Pack will probably be too simple...

I guess if we don't get it we will never really know! I am interested to see the podcast again to see what the achievement they show is.

zerojay's picture

 I think the achievement they show is Massive Party Game, but I might be wrong.

ZombieTron's picture

As they were playing on PS3, it was a trophy for Completing a Big Party, there were 7 of them playing.

Maybe there will be more trophies for PS3 in the party pack then Xbox 360 achievements.

ZombieTron's picture

This is the list doing the rounds on the forums:

Complete your 1st Party Round (Bronze)
Awarded when you complete the 1st Round of your 1st Party

Every player take a photo for a Party (Bronze)
Awarded when every player in a Party takes a photo of themselves. Requires a USB camera to be connected.

Every player succeeds in every Party Game (Bronze)
Awarded upon completing a Party in which every player successfully completes every Game of every Round.

Complete a Small Party (Silver)
Awarded when 2-4 players have completed a Party.

Complete a Big Party (Silver)
Awarded when 5-7 players have completed a Party.

Complete a Massive Party (Silver)
Awarded when 8 players have completed an 8 Round Party

If both lists are correct, the PS3 has considerably more Trophies for the Party Pack then the Xbox 360 has Achievements. But, neither list is especially challenging, except for the successful completion one I suppose.