Criterion Elite!!! Finally

I got this game in late August of this year, since then i really didnt have much time to play it until 4 weeks ago. Finally I made it to Criterion elite. It seemed like it took forever in the beginning. I still need to get the last 82nd car you get for completing 2 sets of online challenges. If any one wants to help me with 2 player and 3 player challenges, let me now.




ZombieTron's picture

Nice one on getting to Elite!

jwillisjr's picture

Thanks, I mastered all of the past Burnouts so Paradise has been a challenge, I'm still not as good as I want to be on Burnout as I was with the previous Burnouts, but this is a good start. Now I need to get those online challenges done as well.


"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA

"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA