XBox Live Community Games

As some of you might have discovered a new group of games was made available with the release of the new Xbox experience (NXE). The new group is called Community Games and if you want to have a look at what is available you can go here: .

I've tried about 20 of the games that are on there and some of them are really good games. The problem is that over all I'm a little concerned by the quality of some of the games that have been released on Community Games. I think some of the developers should have spent a little more time polishing their work and making sure that the quality of what they release is as good as possible.

My main concern is that people will see that there are some crap games in Community Games and then judge all coming titles without even downloading them. Communitiy Games can be tried for free just like XBLA games.

At the moment I am just starting the work on my first game for Community Games. I expect that it will take 9-12 months to complete the project on my own. I really hope that Community Games will be a success. This is a unique chance for game creator hobbyists and semi professionals to show the world what they can do. It will also make it possible for XBox Live members to see some quite unique titles that would never have made it anywhere else.

If you still have not tried out any of the Community Games go give it a try today. It is totally free and you might actually find something you like!