Have you bought any of the Burnout Paradise Merchandise?

31% (68 votes)
69% (153 votes)
Total votes: 221


ZombieTron's picture

I signed up to Zazzle to leave a comment and they sent me an Email offer with 10% off and Free shipping until midnight on Monday:


I don't know whether this will only work for me, or if it will work for everybody. Anyway, if it's the price that is holding you back sign up to Zazzle and they may send you a cool money off code too!

jwillisjr's picture

"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA

I saw those shirts and I don't like them at all.  Maybe if the shirts were made with better quality of fabric and they actually had better graphic content.  I haven't checked lately, but lastime i did, they didn't even have the famous black paradise shirts, or t shirts the were celebrating the great 5 burnout paradise cars..I'm looking for a P12 shirt, black or white, but thicker fabric, they look pretty thin as too only fit one style of t-shirts.

"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA