Payback's A Bitch

Let me begin with I'm Drunk and I don't care - not a Jot, a blot on the Landscape I am.  Motorcycles are cool, other people think you are cool for Ridin them, they can encapsulate so many things and so many lives are overcome and overwhelmed with all things Bikedness.  I'm feeding my Cat, Anu, greedy Cat that he is, and I wonder If making him a HouseCat is a bad thing? I have a Cat Flap.... Why not let him spread his seed upon an unsuspecting world?  Then I see a Vid on of Fishermen using Black Cats (predominantly) as bait for sharks. K, the cat population is a problem, I too confess that Cat Protection Leagues offer services far too freely, I welcome that, it's coz of lazy unaware owners who give not a shit. I digress from Suffers swearing plan which works. 

Hard to believe one day I'm ridin along and come up with a tiny idea of alphabetical Motorcycledness in a Burnout Website!

I had friends, have, friends who support the personal madness.  Unbelievable really to think Zan & Zom would allow me to spread wildfire of Blog all over as I see fit.  Other friends have said there are places you can spread your opinion ya know and I know this, very strange. 

It's difficult sometimes Mr Suf, where have you been,  to read your work and writings, I see many people skipping simply through Whatedness?? Wish they would stick around a little - the mind that is there is wonderful? 

Was I here for bikes, not sure, just bored and drunken and venting, can still type when like this, tell the truth when drunk we humans do

So lets not be haphazzard here.  I will give another episode of life of Biker Letter P. 

Been around Bikes all my life.  Could no doubt go out there and progress to an advanced rider teacher tho it's something I give no time to, have   ex Top Metro Traffic Cop as Buddy and he say "Stay Still, Don't Ponder".

I have something to say and I don't know what that is only I have to finish the bloggy thing and yeah.  I'm not going to be able to find another job in the Bike industry locally, taking a move to actually move is a massive risk and not one I forsee me doing - you wouldnt believe the view from my front room window FFS.

Sick of being normal.


Lets imagine all is good and fine and I'm making a good funny blog about letter P.  I give it a title of "Pleasure Is Only A Ride Away".

Before this Motorcycle business of ours disbanded we were one of the most popular places for UK RAT members to associate and plan rides out all over the European Continent, our RAT (Riders Association of Triumph) are all the same faces, all middle age, all lovable people I will miss.  I was a member of Stalybridge Motorcycle Club years ago coz it was the place to be - even got invited to insider meetings, a great charity driven organisation who plied me with drink and confusion as to why am I Ridin' This Big Fuckoff Bike.

My mates, my age, couldnt hold me (sorry to say) it was always the Wiser and the Experienced that grabbed me - chatting outside pubs or our pub - we'd talk about nothing, chrome, engineering, Harleys, Tyres, and I hated that.  I wanted a Man to give me direction, to say that bike is not you, and this one isnt me...

Being a kid on a bike is Mucho Grande, I loved it and want some back. I want it like Hell doesnt exist and Eve never offered the Apple. My cat decides he wants to eat my ciggy. He greedy despite the fire. So I digress and give no more of "Pleasure" title because it's no longer there and  I revert back to "Payback".  Yeah Bikes have been my life so far - hard to see them drift so far away from my grasp - harder still the furture will be.  This is not for you,BTW, it's alllll mine so keep your hands and dare i REPEAT a Share moment here, and Hearts, away from me.  I'm always gonna be back, good or bad, like it or not.



SUFFUR's picture

Its too wet, too windy, too damp, cold, dull and horrible out there, and I am not getting any money, due to a mess up with paper work, I applied for that Island job, then realized I need to make a video, so I am thinking about that, and going to be shooting a Youtube video for a friend, maybe tomorrow, a friend of the family passed away, and I want to go to the funeral, but no-one is home for me to find out where it is, Ichi is going insane, and I still don't have a tube or the postage to send him anything, sorry dude, not that it sounds like he will be able to get over the moon with it, can't you ride to a new bike shop to work, or start your own but as a co-operative, as I assume other bikers need stuff, anyway your messed up, i'm messed up, and there are a few million messed up, due to the rich not spending, and the poor going under. Don't get me wrong there are people out there with a lot of heart, and I know a few, lucky me, but since I can't think beyond the dulldrums, I'm sleeping till the sun decides to warm the earth where I live.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out? But that just takes up energy, I can't be bother to spend, so I am null and void, and I would own a cat, but I would feed it up and roast it by the weekend, sorry, I don't really mean that, but I am getting feed up with crisp sandwiches, and Iron from crap choc, I need steak, wine, water, that is not full of chalk, and some fresh veg. And one day I will get it again?

But now that the new President in, the world will slowly, spin back into balence, oh and it was interesting to talk to Paul yesterday, and when I say talk, I did get to say something, by placing it in edge ways, lol. And thankfully he had only the one beer, or I would have never been able to understand him, in all the years, on Revenge, when I have been in the room, which is rare.

Oh and if you want to get somewhere in life you have to do it yourself, and if someone helps, be bloody greatful, I know I have, though due to the climate i'm not that greatful at the mo' and thats all for this month, wheres my covers, I need to pull them over my eyes and get more sleep, honestly you little people (size) have far too much energy, and  though i'm not the size of a bear, I can understand why they hibernate. So I'm reporting in the dark from the back of my cave, and if the sun shines sooner, I'll be back sooner. Canz I eatz da lill peep's?Noz, butz soz manyz aboutz, youz willz notz mizz a fewz?

And Ichi you bastard, I don't feel sorry, pity or whatever, just mad, that you lost a good life, wait till spring, and people will be more susceptable to your influence and give you back the job you loves. And I so did not want to write anythink'd either, sleep, and try and remember da dreams, I think, there for I am, I stink, there for I stand over there, I blink, there for I have pink eye, I drink, there for I'm dead, I wink, there for I need sex, I 'ing, so I can Tink Tink, bye bye, till spring or early warm front or back.

Suf the sleep non record holder.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ichienkai's picture

I click on here every morning before I go to work, like a slave lol I didnt wake from my drinkin session head on desk, fountains of slavver on my chin and cheeks thank god but metaphorically I surely did and when I clicked on and saw what I had written I blushed (grown men can blush, even infrequently get spots too, I, for my sins, have a tiny sparodic clump of hair on my otherwise hairless back, the Fly springs to mind) then kinda went 'No way did I do that, when did I do that!'  Not apologising, maybe I should however I seem to have woken you from your sleep Suf, a great enough reason for my insanity I reckon. Is madness following your heart? 

I decided to run with the conspiracy theory thing as you know, what is out there you would truly never believe - now that stuff is sure to pickle you, maybe even get you locked up for right or wrong reasons - some say leave it alone, in fact everyone doesnt want to know.  I went slowly slowly easy on a mate with it who's point of view is strictly Scientific, Darwinism rings true for him, but the old adage why are monkeys still monkeys now, great debates.  Other day I hit him with 'what would you say If all the same people control the worlds media and music, films, video game companies - the worlds news and use these forces to kinda hypnotize the general population or force belief systems on them' Not saying I believe this, it was just a question and I like to hear him think but he didnt come back on it until a few days later with 'What would YOU say if these wild theories you delve into control YOU more than we as people are being controlled, us in the norm' - Great answer, was it an easy answer to find, great question there.

I dont wanna believe that war is inevitable.  The likes of Call Of Duty, would you say they advocate war generally, I would... then Scientific mate says 'If you had a bunch of people on a deserted Island who had never been influenced by say.... the media and television and such, dont you think eventually that people would have rifts and fall out and take sides and some sort of warlike behaviour would follow anyway- its human nature'.  I like this guy.  But I hate the plain facts. 

I strongly urge people not to go in search of truth in Conspiracy Theory circles now that I have experienced it.  You know not how deep the Rabbit hole goes and I dont really care that I may be branded insane, just as William Cooper or Phil Schneider didnt - or goddam it even David Icke - I remember being a kid and my parents laughing at him on Terry Wogan and I giggled too like a child in the herd and what did the media say of him at the time?  He thinks he's God.  He didnt say that, so I have to ask questions even if the man is or isnt nuttier than two snicker bars melted in a pot full of Roasted peanuts. 

I lighten up a little, Suf ya great old weary Bear I never wanted any pity but I thank thee for your words - never been called a Bastard with such fond resonance lol Too much sleep is as bad for you as a diet of Donner Kebabs - write some and write some more wise stuff or have you been doing and not sharing?  Thats greedy dude!  I enjoy mostly writing about thoughts and possible truths or theories lately, so much so I joined two of the most well known sites around, have been welcomed a little too but these people who absolutely cream their socks full of madness tend to just run with their own personal Jesus's, not religion like, well not all but you can be in a thread and there are not many quotes of texts or replies yet that is not wholly true - another big question I ask and see asked, are these places of madness just a delusion, created by the same people who supposedly run fookin everything?  Too many goddamn boring questions.

And there are no jobs to had in my desirable 20-30 mile radius in the bike game man, none, and this is what I do, upsell stuff, make people happy, dont make mistakes, and maybe you are right that all the previous work hasnt gone unoticed and I'll get picked from the basket like an unbruised apple.  All contacts have my details ya know and Bra size. I can appear sane 24 hours a day just the beard gives a potential 'something not quite right with beardy weirdy over there' hahaha And crisp butties are good, for a time lived on Monster munch on muffins, you say barm we in Vegas say muffin, remember a time 10 year ago when you couldnt get a chip muffin in old London time, an unheard of beast.  You dont want a cat either, to feed or feed on, their gas is unexpectedly rank, dogs are cleaner I have surmised and Anu my cat is insane too, still cries for his sister who departed to a better unbullied life in Birmingham with another great friend Shermys, gamertags allowed lol I leave too yet with no promises that outbursts like yesterdays could become commenplace, the mods, my friends have every right to take me off their site with no hard feelings from here, my head, I understand, just like waiting for a certain someone to delete me from their friends list.... go on just do it, you know who you are! I'll still have love for you.  And yes, to sleep certainly is to dream, wake and write them down again like you used to, read something great before you sleep and fill your mind with random stuff that will reflect them, I do but suffer from the worst nightmares imaginable - some pillock showed me a picture of a guy stood at the top of the eiffel tower last year, just two feet peeking over the edge and a photograph of the view down, its like a screensaver in my mind, a mind that is terrified of heights lol what a downright stupid boy to do that to me.  In the immortal words of The Cure, 'Boys dont cry' but I'm a man now so I can at least crocodile them.

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--