Burnout Paradise Update 1.6: The Good and The Bad

 Firstly, welcome to my first ever blog post!  I finally came up with something to blog about here...

And now:

I downloaded the Burnout Paradise 1.6 Update yesterday and I overall like it.  The new graphics style fits the series a lot better, and reminds me of the days when Burnout 3 was a new game.  Very nostalgic.  I also love how the Super Jumps have blue lights instead of yellow lights now, which makes it a lot easier to see what's a Super Jump and what's not.  I got my Jansen Carbon X12 yesterday thanks to the update.  The new billboard design matches the rest of the environment better than I expected, and the billboards are also a lot easier to find.  I am four billboards away from my fourth carbon car this month, help breaking the last four would be greatly appreciated.

I also hear that the cheat codes option has been removed.  I'm glad that I got those sponsor cars (plus the "Steel Wheels" GT) when I had the chance.  Now it feels a lot better to have those cars, thinking/knowing that they pretty much can't be unlocked anymore.

What I don't like is how the cars have been rebalanced.  Now, overall the changes aren't too noticeable, but as far as stats go, I find it disappointing how some cars have nearly identical stats.  I feel that all of those hours trying to beat Burning Routes have gone to waste.  Besides that, the better cars sure do handle as good as one would want them to handle.

So yes, I like the update.  This is gravy666... oh wait, I almost quoted DJ Atomika right there. ; )


Khanon's picture

I like seeing more and more positive comments on the latest content updates/changes.

I hope, however, that those sponsor cars will have some other way to be unlocked. Those of us who only now are able to get into the game (PC users and those who've been saving for a console system so they could play it, etc.) not being able to unlock some cars no matter how "good" they are isn't all that enjoyable...to know there's cars klocked away that they can't get to...ever...

At any rate, I agree with what you've said about the changes, updates in relation to the feel of the game now and visual cueing. The game plays better than any race/derby game I've ever played. It's the first time I've sought out an online community for one, even.


No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

SUFFUR's picture

It even looks Revengish in Colours, but the handling is still not the same as the older versions, but then again we do have the X hand brake to deal with, so next gen, stuff is mostly point to point and mirco racing with road rules, it is still a struggle to squeeze through traffic, the takedowns are still off, there is still no speedo, boost start (though it feels like is is there in spirit) and If I was told that Paradise was going to be a year old beta I would not have been so dekcuf ffo.

What came out with the update seems like an almost final version of the game, and I like it, but because of the bitter taste in my mouth, with the year of marketing, it still not the best for me in the series, but its not etysh as some people think.

Visuals and sounds are great!

We seem to earn more boost for driving now, but I still think it needs a bit more tweaking as we can go faster, by gaining even more boost for dangerous driving, and the Race editor and the showing the map to other racers, needs to take up the whole screen rather than half of it with a zoom feature to see any hidden check points.

Ranked racing is easy to gain rank on, but predict-a-crash is still a pain as is the 4 second or more crash cut scene that goes with it.

I also find the screen lay out/hud could be pushed further out to the side of the screen more, as even with my TV is seems too cluttered in the way of what the driver wants to see, gets obscured by not only the giant heads ups that someone crashed in front of me, but with the 6, 7, 8 tags being in my way as I turn a corner.

And as usual takedowns, are still way off, you get touched by a rival car, you lose control of your car, without anyway to regain control until the crash/takedown happens, or there is no objects in the vicinity for at least 5 seconds. Even if you get a takedown on someone, you don't have the invinceabilty, like a takedowner has of the older games. And why change RR, you can still only get 1 takedown at a time, while with the older games you could get more than one, is this due to the cut scene to show the takedown? Head on's are way better though.

There was something else but I forgot, and it was important! And if this was the game released last year, I think the screaming would have been a lot less, though that map could do with rotating and have a zoom function?

I got around most of the stuff that bugged me about Paradise, and I like Paradise 1.06, it has the above and the thing I forgot, which is important, but It seams a more enjoayable experience now than it has ever been, it just a shame it went noob, to gain an audience, the other games you had to learn to drive, Paradise you need to do that again and learn the map at the same time.

I would like to see area specific lapped races come into the game, to get people cool with the roads and their corners, then do something similar like BO3 with roads from different areas being linked, but then again this is more aimed at driving about rather than race about, but it would be nice.

The game still needs time to play, learn the map, and then game becomes easy to race in, and restarts are great aren't they? I played the same road rage for over an hour just so I could complete it the way I wanted, and more options should be put into the menu system now, so we the player have more of the choice of how we want to play, and none of that has really been put in place yet, (though Burger King says the same thing, I still order the Whopper, but I can ask for what I want as long as I can pay at any time I want, but still have the choice).

Paradise was sold that way more than a year agao, but it's still a linar game experience, if you get me, you drive from A to Z, with no confinement, but that only last so long, a style of repetition needs to be put in and I get my fix from the challenges and custom routes, but I miss my racing from the other games, of trying to improve my driving skill through this, but with routes in ranked being poor, point to points, there are some good ones there, but it can be so improved upon, and I await the rumours of lapped racing to come true.

Anyway I rant, but Paradise is now a more fun game to me as it looks appealing, but it still off the mark as the best of the series for me. But still worth £29 for the ultimate box set, so you can stay off line to do the party pack and get use to what most of us have been doing for a year anyway poodling about waiting, for something to happen and change, and it did.

Now where is the Island? I waited and waited, how long must I wait? When it's done, you say, fair enough...

And Road rage should be put into the race tracks of Paradise, none of this cat and mouse hide and seek stuff, that is not Road Rage! But Cat and Mouse Hide and seek! And more than one check point then to the finish too!

Simialr with Marked Man, need to have a start point for all to bring us together than apart. Open world is ok but bringing us together should be the point?

I write skcollob, but at least they are clean skcollob!

And to all the Paradise noobs, which means Revenge Racers, take off the blinkers, relax, take a deep breath, chill and play Paradise, because it is a great game, it's just not like any of the other games, if you forget about, boosting, drifting, speeding, crashing, crappy takedowns, mug shots, and can learn how to barrel roll, oh and that is automatic now so you can't even mess that up. And the room is the lobby so you can stop anytime you want. It's game worth playing with it's rules, not any other ones. And you will find stuff 'wrong' with it, but I could write a blog with the things wrong with Revenge, another for each of the other games, too.

Hey what do you care, you're still chasing the perfect lap time?

I thought about deleting this as, it's sometimes just not worth the effort, to allow some people to breath the same air that I do, but then again it's not my air, is it?

Play it, don't play it! But if your going to diss it, you have to play it!

I also need to learn the english and learning to right it too, but then again, does anyone notice, and just repair the mistakes as they read?

And I now retire to find something more interesting to do.

Yes, I got hit in the face at 1000 mph, by the sun rise this morning, (do i need to say this or can sun rises happen at any other time?) what did you do, etyhs the bed? Oh work you say, ok I'll shut up then, but it was a nice sunrise, even if you did go to work, you see I'm just looking for work, and when I find some, I'll give to you if you want, since you seem to like it, to miss the sun rise like that.


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

gravy666's picture

 You sure you couldn't have put that in your blog?  :P

kayel_justice's picture

Here is how I configured the PC version of burnout for use with controller


Hope this helps some people out. I've been running into a lot of whiner babies about the menu. I think learning and playing a new game is too much for some people. I personally think burnout is awesome and I'm gratefull to EA for releasing this monster on the PC.

SUFFUR's picture

but yes maybe i should think about writting a blog of how negative i feel. Err no, well not yet anyway...

But it seemed like an impression thing so sorta tried to follows suit, so sorry to crash yours, you have a choice of a 100 of mine to crash, lol or not lol, depending on how you feel?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ichienkai's picture

Hate 1 lappers, 10 rounds 1 laps, they stole me, minding my own business and pop my head in, 360 of course - not a pc thing.  Say I hate 1 lappers?  Last unofficial day at work yesterday and I had a cold beer in the afternoon, all smiles was I, very placid like and I won 9 out of 10 laps, motor city short R cocked me over but I laughed through the entire event and at the americans making excuses for their race and how about how excited they were to take me down from the start, they still lost with me in a wall, dont race us again please lol What star sign are you dude, is it a full moooooon, you know the brain is essentially water so, that true?!

Saying that:  anyone actually believe astrology has anything in it, not daily stuff, proper birth charts, a chart from the moment you were born, I can do 'em, taught myself whilst stoney student, mapped out the first 40 years of me life according to someones belief system.  My moooooon's in the twelth house, means I'm lucid and kinda broken, some twelthers get locked up, white coats at yer door, hello Mr Nutjob, we seen your activities online, been watchin ya and yeah please follow the chocolate digestive we broughtt to entice you - we'll take care of you.  Hope no-one sees this stuff, eyes pan to peripherals.  No one here but us indians. Hahahahahaha

Erm yeah, Suffer my man I would write what thoust will please, eeee do I miss it, you knew why you wrote, sorry mines gone all kinda yeah wonky, you understand me lol

Can be sensible still but I don't care for it now, anyways I'm off for beans, conserve, the good stuff for a brighter days, and Burnout Dominator is in the post to me, woooo how good will that be for me psp?!  I'm still laughing at meself dude, still laughin'!!



--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

Khanon's picture

...apparently Lewis Carroll is possessing ichienkai...


No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead