Cops and Robbers


Criterion Games have released a few pictures of the future DLC which they are calling "Cops and Robbers Pack".

Criterion Games say this will bring the thrills and spills of cops and robbers car chases to Paradise City.

There are no further details of how the gameplay will work, and this will probably be the last DLC to be released, so don't expect to see it anytime soon. Here are the pictures:

Cops and Robbers 1

Cops and Robbers 2

Cops and Robbers 3




I'm not sure I can get excited about a pack that's only going to be released for PS3 and PC.  Seems that's the direction CG is going though. 


teh caek iz mien

teh caek iz mien

ZombieTron's picture

I am pretty sure it will be released on all formats.

The confusion about this is related to CG releasing the info about the new pack on PC and PS3 first, but they have never said that this pack will not be coming to Xbox 360 as well.


Ok, I guess we'll wait and see, but why just announce on two platforms in the first place and not the other, at least I haven't seen it yet, could be up on 360 news now I guess...


teh caek iz mien

teh caek iz mien

YabobK34's picture

They mention it on the in- game news page in the post about all the other updates that will be out on the 360 this year.



You are correct, I did see it mentioned last night.  When I'm wrong I'm wrong.  Looks like it will be out for all three platforms..


teh caek iz mien

teh caek iz mien

Khanon's picture

"Ok, I guess we'll wait and see, but why just announce on two platforms in the first place and not the other, at least I haven't seen it yet, could be up on 360 news now I guess..."

The reason the news is only released on those two, as CG has said, is because those two platforms have browsers... That's the only reason. It's not a deliberate attempt to leave out XBox players.


No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead


360 gets a news feed also, it's just slower than the browser's apparently. 



teh caek iz mien

teh caek iz mien

Khanon's picture

...which is the issue. The feed in XBox isn't the same as the browser built into the PS3 and the PC (of course). These are pages that load up from the site instead of being like RSS Feeds (I'm assuming, of course, but this is what I've gleaned). *shrugs* read it from the CG guys yourself... PC and PS3 have browsers that can access their beta in-games news stuff...XBox does not.


No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead


Actually, the issue (in my little mind anyway) is the content (or lack thereof) and when it's delivered, not how it's delivered, I think we got it covered.


teh caek iz mien

teh caek iz mien

Jinno Angelo's picture

Tsk.... Tsk... Tsk.....

Wow.... Is this a Gimmick??





"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. We Are All From The Dust, And To the Dust We Shall Return. Amen!" "Hellsing Ultimate Series I", Alexander Anderson.

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

kevlar0's picture

Reading some post on OB by some of the PS3 users the trophies for the Cops and robbers have been put in place, (no acheviements for xbox users btw). So going off the timescale from the party pack its gonna be about 2 weeks to the release of the cops and robbers. List borrowed from OB :)

Bronze - 3
-Be first to reach the Gold - Awarded for being the ffirst player in an online cops and robbers game to pick up the gold.
-Pick up dropped gold - Awarded for successfully picking up the gold once it has been dropped in an online cops and robbers game.
-Win a game driving the Watson R-Turbo Roadster.

Silver - 5
-Bank the gold - awarded for successfully delivering the gold to your team base in an online cops and robbers game.
-Take down the gold carrier - awarded for successfully performing a takedown on the player carrying the gold in an online cops asnd robbers game.
-Win a game on the cops team.
-Win a game on the robbers team.
-Win a best of five rounds game - awarded for being on the winning team of a best of five round game of online cops and robbers.

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

ZombieTron's picture

At least this list gives us a clue as to what the gameplay will be like with the Cops and Robbers pack.

What I can deduce, although I could be way off base...

Race to the Gold - as there is an Achievement for being the first to reach the Gold, I am guessing the start of the game will have us all racing to the same location.

Takedowns/Crashes make players drop the Gold - As you can pick up the Gold when it has been dropped I'm assuming crashing or being taken out will make you drop the Gold you are carrying.

Get to the drop off point - Bank the Gold, so once you have it you have to take it to a team base, teams I guess are either Cops or Robbers and each have the same gameplay, Robbers try to get the gold from the Cops and Vice Versa... this is sounding like a Capture the Flag mode!!  

Might bring some life back into playing BP online, I really enjoyed playing CTF on MC:LA and I know a lot of people really wanted a CTF mode in BP. Should be good! But, I don't know why there are no Xbox Achievements????? Maybe there will be, but they just haven't updated yet. And I really hope it isn't stupid expensive!


Xandu's picture

Im guessing 1200 points.

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

YabobK34's picture

I guess it won't be long until we find out. The front page on says it's "Coming very soon!". So unless the island is coming even sooner it has been pushed back in production yet again (as Cops and Robbers should have been released soon after all the other annonced packs). If they keep it up like this we will one day have ourselves a new Duke Nukem Forever (which, for those who is unfamiliar with it, was first annonced 12 years ago and is still in production). :)


ZombieTron's picture

Cops and Robbers is due for Release on the 30th of April costing 800 MS points as per a danish news mail posted over at the Operation Burnout forums.

kevlar0's picture

This looks just like all the other sites that are just throwing dates about, hope the price is correct.

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

ZombieTron's picture

Criterion Games have now announced the date on their website as the 30th of April 2009. Although they haven't announced the prices themselves yet, lets keep  that it isn't more then the 800 MS points from that EA mail!

YabobK34's picture

I haven't seen anyone post this yet. The 360 users just got 3 new Achievements for the Cops and Robbers (I don't recall seeing them yesterday).

The Right Side of the Law 30G

- Awarded for being on the winning Cops team in a Cops and Robbers game on Xbox LIVE

The Gang Is Back In Town 30G

- Awarded for being on the winning Robbers team in a Cops and Robbers game on Xbox LIVE

Golden 30G

- Awarded for delivering the Gold to your team base in a Cops and Robbers game on Xbox LIVE



ZombieTron's picture

Thanks a lot for posting that! All of those are fairly self explanatory, but they use up a lot of the remaining available gamerscore... which wont leave much for when the Island is released.

Still don't understand why they can't release equivalents for all of the PS3 trophies and have them with a lower gamerscore value??


Paul-Ferrie's picture

What is the limit for gamescrore from achievments for games on the xbox?



//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

ZombieTron's picture

Other than knowing that it is 1000 gamerscore per game and 250 additional gamerscore for DLC bringing the total to 1250, nobody seems to know what the limit is to the number of achievements available.

I am not convinced there is a limit??? but CG seem to think there is... I have posted on the Xbox forum and even asked Major Nelson in a tweat, so hopefully I will get an answer.

But, having trawled the interweb looking today there seems to be zero information about the limit on the number of achievements available to developers.

If it is just a gamerscore limit, I would much rather see 8 achievements at 10gs each in line with the PS3 trophies for the Cops and Robbers pack, then these 3 achievements at 30gs each using up a wopping 90gs of the 250gs allowed for DLC.

If or when I do get an answer about the limit on the number of achievements, I will be sure to post it here... likewise if anybody else gets an official answer on this.. Please let me know!

edit: ofcourse we know Orange Box came with 99 achievements in total.. so is that the limit? and if it is CG can give Xbox 40+ more achievements still, so why limit C&R to just 3 costing a huge amount of available gamerscore????

ZombieTron's picture

This was posted on CG's webpage today:

"Everythingwill come to a head this Thursday when the Cops and Robbers Pack forBurnout Paradise will be available for $9.99 / €9.99 / £7.99 / 800MSfrom an in-game Burnout Store near you."

Paul-Ferrie's picture

Now what are the chance's of them accidently releasing the island as well


//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

Beep's picture

Well don't think that they will make the same mistake twice, but we will wait and see