Dont tease me...

I think they may have teased some peeps too much with the car packs and the island, because ive noticed less and less players on the section on the news that says "in the last 24hrs" if they're trying to use some marketing techniques and spreading out the release of the packs by time periods, it may not be working. i myself will buy the DLC's when they come out, but i would rather have them now. being all excited about the new stuff, has really took the edge off the fun with what content we have  just give it to us already!!!!!!!!! its killing me!!!


Khanon's picture

I like teasers, personally. It lets me know that I'm playing a game that the company is continuing to develop content for instead of moving on to something else and dropping all support, like so many titles nowadays.


No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead