Hello there =)

I just registered here and thought i throw a hello in the round and see what i get back =)

istian_kgm's picture

Hi,welcome to burnoutaholics!

Alexspeed's picture

Thank you =)

not too much going on in this forums it seems ;)

ZombieTron's picture

Welcome to BurnoutAholics, we may not always be very noisy, but we are always here!

Alexspeed's picture

Thank you for the welcome 

& good to hear

Jinno Angelo's picture

Wow, this place is getting more and more crowded by the minute..... LOL... Nice to have you around... even if my welcome was weeks old.... I havent been around here lately but you can always bet, most of regs here constantly check this site out on a daily, weekly, if not every other weekly basis....



"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

kevlar0's picture

Congrats on getting banned from the OB forum, you are a fast worker. my first account was banned for no reason, and they won't even accept my application for a forum membership over on the the Road-cru site. Anyhow welcome and I hope you you don't get banned to quickly on this site. lol

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

Yabbas_Turd's picture

EDITED BY ME! Please follow our Terms of Use, I haven't had to ban anybody for breaking the terms of use yet and I really don't want to start now. Please keep to our terms of use and this site will hopefully stay as friendly as it has been.

Thanks, ZombieTron

Terms of Use

Alexspeed's picture

The purpouse of this posting is to clarify what happened and how i got banned from the Operation Burnot ( OB ) Forums. If you are not interested in reading it then dont, but i feel i have to say my point of view to it, becouse even now after i got banned and thought the thing is done and over with, these pepole follow me here and keep dragging me through the dirt.

Its basically a short story of good intentions and what you get for them.

It all started when i got my Burnout Game, you see, i am an enthusiastic gamer, if i like a game i try to get in touch with the community of that game and participate in it, normally through the official game forum or a fansite. Well, Burnout Paradise dosent have a official forum any more, that i had to learn after a short time of research. So i went on with my search and sighted the different fansites this game has, and made me a list and tried to find out which one might be the best one to take part and participate in.

I came to the thought that OB seems to be the biggest one and the one with the most frequented forum, and thought it will be the best one to spend my time on... well it might be the biggest one, but the biggest is not allways the best as i had to learn.

So i registerd there and  read the forum for some days and tried to find something on how i can participate and make the site better and get involved. After some search i found that there isnt a real Linklist on OB and thought it would be a good thing to share the fansites i found in my search with the pepole, so they know where else there is information to find and  posted my linklist in a nice and easy to navigatable way and encouraged the pepole there to post their links for fansites if they have some that i dont know.

Well... apparently that wasnt seen well by the administrators there. My Topic was closed and the links removed and i had the first discussion with UISProhet (Admin) via private message (pm) there and asked why, and got the answer that they are basically the best site and all that can be known about burnout can be found on OB and there is no need to link to other sites and drive pepole away from their site...and that he saw my posting as advertisment and spamming...

After some communication via pm i explained to him how i intended that topic, that i think its good to share opinions and knowledge and to link to other sites and even proposed that they should make a big linklist on the main site. What i got back was the answer that they dont want to link to some sites becouse there apparently have been some content theft issues, and that the idea will get discussed by the admins and after a little while i got the answer back that they dont want a linklist and i accepted that.

After that unpromising start i did my best to contribute and be helpfull and nice and posted whatever i could to answer questions or just take part in discussions. I also posted the Guide that is in the first posting of my Blog here to help PC players with updates and download content and accounts. And i started a topic about getting a logo for OB becouse they didnt had one and that grew finally into a contest.

What i soon realized after posting a while there, was that there is a very harsh tone in many of the topics, especially but not only in the discussions about ranked racing. So i thought it could be benfiting for all, if i try to calm pepole down wherever there are arguments and to discourage the use of swearing and foul language, that is so common in allmost all of the topics there. I wanted to help them find a better tone and get a friendlier forum for all users there.

What i didnt realized was that this tone of discussion is completly normal for them there (atleast for the most of them) and that the admins also take part in the same aggresive manner in these discussions. A sane mind would think they should calm down the pepole and encourage a nice and welcoming athmosphere, but the opposite is true. They have other standards there that are on the lowest level of human interaction.

After a while of trying my best to encourage better and more welcoming conversations and even posting a feedback about my opinion and how to get better human interactions there, i got to the point of resignation with it, becouse it really bugged me alot that there seemed no way to get my message through, becouse the admins apparently didnt see the problem as i saw it, and i had to take some heat from pepole that disagreed with my point of view.

So i thought it might be best to stop trying to change what i cannot change and leave it at that. But then a part of the ranked racing discussion got dragged into the thread about theOB Logo.

At this point i was extremly frustrated and decided its best to cease my participation in this forum alltogether. So i deleted allmost all my postings and my information there (actually i wanted to delete my account but i couldnt find a way to do that), in looking back that might not have been the best way to act, but i was enraged and thought its the best way to show my protest if i take back what i contributed.

I also wanted to take back the FAQ i posted there but they copied it back to their forum after i deleted it and in a last effort to get it deleted i sent them a cease and deist notice to get it removed. But they have a term in their Terms of Service that whatever is written in their forum they have the right to use it in whatever way they want. Well ok, nothing i can do about that now anymore.

After the deletation of my postings my acount was banned, my userpicture that i deleted was replaced by a "Southpark Hitler" cartoon figure and since then the admins keep making degratory remarks about me (on a level i thought that isnt possible) and now even came here to make insults at my person.

... What can i say... all i did and wanted was for the best, and after my ban i thought this is over with, but now i have to say something, becouse i cant let all this deffamation they do even here stand and dont tell my point of view.

It is one thing to ban me on their site, thats their right if they dont want to have my opinion there, but its another to follow me here and to keep insulting me with comparing me to a nazi and all this other crap that stands in no relation to anything i did to them.

In my opinion a Forum is a nice and welcoming place to share opinions, in your opinions it seems it is a place to blame eachother and curse and get on eachothers throats, that is not a place i want to be anyway. OB might be the most frequented forum, but it surly isnt the best and nicest place. And i feel like the admins and a selected few of the pepole are just there to argue over ranked racing in a unmature and very profane way with alot of cursin and foul language.

I want this to be over with, so yabba, uisprophet and cooper, please stop it now. I am sorry if i offended you with the deletation of my postings, but i wanted my point made and i cant take it back. The whole time i was member at your site i tried to do the best for your forum and site, but i feel like its worthless becouse you are happy with the state your forum is in anyway. I cannot understand that but i can accept it, so please accept also my opinion.

Sorry this is so long but i had to share my point of view here and make clear what i did and what i didnt do. You are to judge for yourself if it justifies that i get called names and compared to a nazi even here on another site. This is far from funny anymore and i want it to stop.

Yabbas_Turd's picture

I got to the part where you had (10 pages) dialogue with UISProphet on why we don't have fansite links in our forum.

The simple reason is that we have affiliates and we mutually advertise each others sites, it's not the done thing to be giving charlatan and fly-by-night burnout fansites free advertising without that being reciprocated through proper channels. So not to put your nose out of joint again, we'll look after out own affiliates without your help.

You were banned because you started to delete your own posts, a considered act of vandalism at least, so yes, get to ****, you're welcome here, it'll be a cold ******* day in hell before you post on operationburnout again.

We try to cater for everyone, even the moronic, you want everyone to be like you, sorry but that isn't possible, we let things take their own course and if it gets too far out of hand we deal with it, we don't need a lecture from you telling us how to run our forum, like I said we got along just fine before you joined and we'll sure as **** get along now you're gone.

ZombieTron's picture

I am locking this topic, not removing it completely like the Cheating one, but definitely locking it.

Everyone is welcome to post on this site as long as the Terms of Use are adhered too and there is a level of respect shown for all users.

Thank you,
