All that glitters is Gold!

Hi!  Joined up yesterday.  I'm playing Paradise on PS3. 

Stunt runs drive me mad but the game was  otherwise brilliant, anyway I left them until last as I just couldn't get more than 50000 points, nevermind the 140000 that I needed! Anyway, I gave them another shot yesterday and got right into them, cracking all but the 500000  point finale before going for drinks. Then this morning I finally cracked that and couldn't believe that all the cars turned GOLD - awesome! The only thing you need to know to crack them is get to the air field or the quarry and have fun without crashing. Quick bursts on on the boost resets the timer, likewise reversing or drifting. More than that it's just practice and have fun.

In celebration I figured I'd give the online game another go, too. I thought having got my Elite licence there would be little more play left in the game but online just opens up yet more amazing fun! I'm by no means a hardened gamer but this is one game I'm not going to be able to leave alone.

My son's chuffed but also a bit gutted as he's cracked all the licences before me from B upwards :D Neither of us can wait for the new content so c'mon Criterian, bring on the island!!!!!




Captain Cakewalk's picture

Nice one mate! Its a brilliant feeling when you first crack it ^^ The online experience is awesome and it's gotta be one of the best Ive seen and played! I also totally agee with you on the island, it's looking awesome!


Revenge is a dish best served at 200mph!

Revenge is a dish best served at 200mph!