Buying add-on packs?

I am confused about how this works...

Apparently, I got the wrong impression of what was included with Burnout Ultimate and thought that it included all content both new and old.

Today, I bought two copies (one for me and one for my fiance) but I will be damned if I am going to buy the add-on content ... FOR BOTH.

Are the add-on packs available anywhere for free or is there a way I could buy them for one game and not have to buy them for both? The problem is we have to login using two accounts so we can play online together.




ZombieTron's picture

I agree, the Ultimate Box is now confusing for the console consumer.

About a week after the Ultimate Box was released (I might be exagerrating slightly on the time scale) v 1.7 was released, making the Ultimate Box redundant for saving space on your hard disk, on the Xbox 360 at any rate.

It certainly does not include ALL of the DLC, although it did at the time of release.

The additional packs that you can now purchase are Car Packs. I have not bought all of the car packs myself, but I have tried them all as Xandu (my fiance) has purchased all of them.  Personally as I play in the car view, getting additional cars has limited appeal for me.

My advise would be for one of you to purchase the cars (at least if you like the look of any of them), and then you can both try them and see if they are worth getting for both accounts.

The next content to be released will be the Cops and Robbers pack, we do not yet know for sure how this pack will work online. I will wait to see if it can be played without being purchased before I spend my MS points on it, as I do not need to have 30+ cop liveries. Some speculation has been that anybody will be able to play the game mode but you wont be able to host or have the cop liveries unless you buy the pack. But, we wont know for sure until it is released (or until CG tell us more).

After that it will be the Island, and again if we can access the Island online without purchasing it, then only one of you will need to buy it potentially. Although we do not know how this is going to work online yet.

I'm assuming you are on Xbox 360? If you are on PS3 and purchase DLC I understand that it can be used on several PS3's?? is that right???

ZombieTron's picture

This jokey article may make you smile:

Sarcastic Gamer: Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Final Box

I do understand why the Ultimate box was released before all the DLC was out as they needed to re-brand somehow for the PC market as the product included the DLC like the bikes and party pack. But, releasing another Ultimate disk after all the content has been released would make a lot more sense for the console market then releasing the Ultimate Box which doesn't include everything... anyway.


Pyrophoric's picture

Oh, sorry ... I thought the Ultimate Box was only for PC. Hah

We have two copies of the PC version. One is installed on her computer and one on mine, of course. We have two separate logins for each game but have not tried logging in at the same time with the username. My guess would be that it would either kick the other user out or if it lets both in, it wouldn't let us connect together in multiplayer. I guess it's worth a shot to try tonight and see if we can connect under the same username.

With the Ultimate Box, I wasn't actually confused with what came on the DVD itself. I was more so confused by their website when doing research before buying.

Taken from the link above ... "If you already have Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box on PC, and you're looking for the Cars update, you can get it here."

I did not notice the individual prices below. Even if I had, I still would have assumed the cars were included in the Ultimate Box because of the statement quoted above.

When I learned they weren't included, I was shocked to see the price of them considering they are just basically car shells, not additional features or racing areas.

At worst case, I think I will take your suggestion of buying a couple just to see if we like them. We play from an overhead view but for as much as they cost it still might not be worth it.

Thanks for the information and reply.

Btw, yeah I thought the link was funny.