Who is Sonic STX?

No! Standing up before his fellow prisoners, "I'm Sonic STX!", so bring on your hethen gods, you Romans!

SUFFUR's picture

...stands up, 'I'm Sonic STX', fall's down, carries on picking up rocks, awaiting another poke from the Pilum...


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out? But this could be fun?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

kevlar0's picture

I'm Sonic STX and so is my wife!

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

Dodger455's picture

He's not Sonic STX, I am, and if you question me I will slay you with my Batleth.


Jinno Angelo's picture

Just Kidding.... Do you guys even know why that question was posted up there?..and the deal about Sonic STX and why Chino posted it there?.. Roflmao!!



"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

Dodger455's picture

Hell no I don't know, I was just joining in the fun.


Jinno Angelo's picture

I think its best if we just moved on to another topic.... The truth might be too much to handle.....



"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

Xedec's picture

Very well put sir!

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

PsychedelicBabe's picture

omg i havent been in here for a while and what did i see when i looked'yes' this thread.....ROLMFAO....so yeah like who really REALLY is Sonic......lol....:) im sure if you all did your homework well enough you would infact figure the simple answer out ....... lol :)