Spider In My Eye

Twittering on about bikes again so stop now if youre not interested,  i'll save you some time!! 

Was thinking about funny or peculiar things that have happened to me and mine and me owd mates today, mainly because a mate of mine who has raced the TT for our shop Robinsons for years on a Daytona 675 and his Suzuki GSXR750 me thinks too... finally won a TT race last week in a clean emissions class, which means electric bikes hahaha top speed of around 130mph or something? 


He's a humble guy comin' from up North like so it's not like he'll be braggin or anything when he comes to see us all but the unfortunate thing is he wasnt racin for us this time because we had disbanded in Dec 2008!  DOH!

Sooo, a funny thing.  I never started off biking in a daring or gutsy way like my friends or my little brother, I once saw him jump a dirt bike over a fence into a tree and it didnt inspire me to be kcoc but then again motocross dirt bikes never ever appealed to me, twas only when I had real power between me thighs that I went bonkers on the road and I had years of experience before I got to that point.... probably why I never fell off doing stunts.  Still I have seen plenty of idiotic things and have heard of ten times more coz its all we get to talk about at work, most of the time, oh and gaming between me and the ginger one in my vid, Justin, who doesnt ride. 

The most bizarre story or possibly most unforgettable one was sometime early last year, bit gross actually.  A biker was racin on the motorway somewhere up North West UK and misjudged a sharpish turn on the hard shoulder putting him on the gravelly bit before hitting the barrier at about 150mph, instantly his body smacked down onto the road and completely obliterated his helmet decapitating him and his head managed to roll up a slip road to the left, his brain slipping out at some point and landing intact in the middle of the road like 400 yards away from the scene, not nice I know.

The police quickly arrived and cordoned off the area to clear the unfortunate debris and the victim of course and probably shut off the section for forensics or whatever but this old dear who was running a bit late... yeah, you know whats coming.... got a bit flustered when stopped by the police and had to get off the motorway coz she was late for something, or wouldnt be redirected to the next turn off so set off around the barriers - police shouting orders and waving at the old gal,  and up this slip road and ran damn splat over the poor guys brain, the police hadnt found it at this point, evidence destroyed.  oops.  Not a nice tale but cant forget it!

Heres a lesson!

Two week ago a friend of mine got 2 years in prison for being stubborn basically.  He'd left our shop on his bike on a sunny day and was ticking over at some traffic lights when a guy delivering a brand new Noble pulls up beside him.  For some stupid reason my mate decides he wants to race him through a friggin town centre so he starts revving his throttle and staring at this guy and off they go, pillocks.  Coming to a cross junction at about 80mph, they both see a small car crossing and the bike manages to just creep past the front of it but the car hits it full side on and three woman are flung out of it totally writing off both cars and scattering bodies everywhere.  The bike doesnt stop but sees what happens obviously and someone clocks his registration and before you know it he's in custody - 3 years down the crown court line and he gets 2 years inside for, wait for it, showing no remorse! He never apologised to any judge, family members of the hit vehicle (all survived albeit with serious long lasting injuries) and pleaded not guilty to DD. The guy delivering the Noble got 16 month inside for an early guilty plea.... so there you go, dont wind a crown court judge up, I know, Ive been scrutinised once or twice and for gods sake dont be stubborn and show a bit of remorse like you are actually a thinkin feeling human being. 


Two peculiar things have happened to one of our lads at work whilst riding, one deserved or ironic really, one just piss funny.  M W is a fookin headcase on a bike, he's written off loadsa bikes from our shop and, as we have a new female member of staff as of today, he and many other "lads" were entertaining her with tales of motorcycle wonderment even tho a half brained person could take one look at her and know she's heard it all before, blokey blokes are stoopid haha So M W is telling us how he was racin this Porsche up on Owd Bets (some long road up near Rochdale)  and he's pulling away from it when he decides its not enough so he lifts the front end up into a 150mph wheelie, and when he puts it down, it comes down with such a bang that the handle bars twist forward until fully resisted by the throttle cable which sticks on full lol His brakes wont stop the speed, he cant turn off the throttle, and he reckons he had the presence of mind to lift his legs with enough force to bang both lower sides of the bars to kick them around to their almostish proper position, allowing him to slow down and dismount without falling off at 150ishmph (and no doubt then get out the Andrex which was ommited).


We call him POS - pinch of salt.  This one was real tho, he was with our service manager and sales manager pulling up to a roundabout somewhere in Rochdale after work going to the pub... he's on a Triumph Rocket 3. The two other guys spot a gap and set off and MW has a pretty woman in a car behind him and decides to showoff and burnout!  Only he catches a line of uncuttable wire in the back somehow and it chuggs up his rear end and spits him off into the road....lol How to impress a lady indeed!  MW rings my boss who in turn rings the other two riders saying    " Do you two not like MW or something"?? "Why, what you on about"?! (didnt even notice he wasnt with them haha) "Well you just left him in the middle of the friggin road with a Rocket practically wrapped round his neck"!! Ahhh more lessons to be learned about vanity, do not show off, it bites your ass.  


And about me?  Not much at all Im afraid... riding through Nottingham forest at about 100mph and a rock hard spider hit my left eye  and wouldnt let go, it survived which was amazing but i almost hit the pavement, had to stop and couldnt see for an hour or so, didnt even have the heart to kill the little critter who nearly ended my life, strange thing.  Been punched through my helmet visor by a renowned local hells angel for riding past him lol Carried a 32 inch TV on the back of a bike once, daehkciD, and now really its totally time to go slo mo, in fact its not even a choice or a decision, its just happened over a period of time. Ive been riding this reliable litttle 125cc for about 3 years and its because I understand that when I had the power I never appreciated owning it and I'm glad I've started again, if you like, gone back to my roots. 

I still have a huge sports bike and I dont think I will sell it as it is in perfect condition for a 11 year old, like its never been outside, and ive regretted selling such models in the past but its time to move up again now I have mellowed somewhat.  Cruisers are beckoning and I have this beard thats turned gingerish, strawberry blonde really lol so it suits. 

As i always say at the end of a blog, the next will have proper motorcycle content lol It never does but heres hoping.  Have too much stuff on my mind lately, spending most of my time wearing my heart on my sleeve apparantly?  But my racin tag is back as a friend has made a tribute tag ichienkaii and its fookin funny racin him on my main tag, someone even sent me a message asking if i was the notorious ichi yesterday hahaha

Glad eveyone is indulging in the island in Paradise, I really dont think I'll ever try it again despite being tempted by Kev an Suf a few weeks ago, its time consuming and revenge for an hour is all i ever really want.  I guess I really am a one trick pony but I will have to buy another PS3 when The Last Guardian is released, that kind of beauty I will pay for!  Catch y'all laters