Burnout big surf island road rules.

Hey guys I have been busy. I just want to know your times for the streets you have rule on the island. My best time I have on Paradise keys brd is 18.18 seconds. And also griffin dr is gltiched does anyone have a problem setting there time record on it? because the best time i set on it was 1.57 seconds and it wont save.


kevlar0's picture

Hey dude, your PKB is fairly quick, it beats mine anyhow, Griffin has a strict 2 sec timekeeper on it, so anything under 2 secs is dismissed, its been reported on bugzilla and apperantly Criterion are looking in to it. Maguire is the road to rule I have a 20.10 but Devfookinkemp has a 16.xx, glitching barsteward.

Xedec's picture

I was all exited when i got 1.57s then thrown down to nothing when it went away. and i have 23.xx sec on maguire lol ill work on it!


(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)