I hate spammers!

Hi, Im new to BurnoutAholics.com. The only reason why I joined this site was to spam it with random links to rubbish websites. I actually make 0.00000001$ for every time you click on my links. Please click them as much as you can because then I will be rich! I really like spamming sites all over and I hope you understand why I do it?

Edit by Xandu: This dude seems to be a total idiot so I'm leaving this blog for now.



PsychedelicBabe's picture

im sorry but i had to giggle ....... the title lured me in for a start then you get spam ...... excellent .....now i know that we at xln are not alone with spamming idiots like this ...... what enjoyment do these guys/girls exactly get ? except from not getting the obvious ........ noob id remove it asap xandu or other spammers may jump on the bandwagon ....... how dare he bombard your site with etihs......

ZombieTron's picture

We have been bombarded the last week or 2, but all spam has been deleted and all spammers have been blocked. I totally don't understand why people waste their time signing up to websites to put dodgy links which nobody will click on as they will be deleted first anyway...

Xandu had some fun with this blog at the spammers expense!  IP bans do generally follow, although if we are going to keep getting spam at the rate we have lately, we may have to start moderating all content prior to it being published on the site, just to ensure it stays spam free, not really the action I want to take...and at the moment it's not too difficult to deal with the spammers as they happen.

Paul-Ferrie's picture

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer http://www.scotflash.co.uk/blog

Linkster's picture

on a forum and recently we have relaxed our registration process.  For ages all accounts had to be manually activated by the admins but in order to get a larger userbase they don't anymore.  As you can imagine everyday there are at least 2 spam accounts made, normally for things like WoW Gold but occasionally it's for mre adult oriented stuff.  It's a blooming nightmare.  Luckily S/Mods have the power to ban so within seconds of the spam post going up the user is banned and post deleted.