Although I am looking forward too, nay, antisipating with youthful enthusiam for the release of Paradise, I feel that we need to pay our respect to the Lobby for she has served us well over the past few years.
Personally I feel there is a need to shed a little tear and pay homage to something that provided a safe haven from the carnage, agression, no-holds barred frenetic racing and raging that Burnout exueded.
So why do I feel such a sense of loss with the release of Paradise? Let me explain..
The Lobby was a friendly place (most of the time), as I said it was a safe haven, it gave you time to reflect and regroup after a race, road rage or crash. It gave you time to express your joy of winning or anger at losing, time to verbally abuse friends and foe (all good naturedly of course ), it allowed discussion without having to concentrate on a corner, battling with another race or doing you best to avoid oncoming (which is where you drive isn't it?). It provided such amusement and joy with activities like question of the day, discussing naked tuesdays (I'm not kidding) and Biggy telling us how to shave ones balls.
It allowed people to become one with a community of very well adjusted people (lol) and those not so well adjusted, it also allowed those that were not wanted to be unceremoniously booted from the room.. (Anyone Hungry? Yes. See the menu... you know the rest). It was a chance to express you innermost desires only to be ridiculed by your peers (oh the memories, I can feel the tears as I type )
It was a time for refreshment and to be able to relieve yourself, preferably not where your sitting, either muted or leave the headset behind and making sure to wash your hand before returning (no names mentioned)..
The lobby was a place to make new friends (if your current one weren't around) by jumping from room to room with the ease of the A button. I was friendless when I first came online, but through the Burnout Lobbies I picked up some people (no like that!! well occationally ) who have become very close life long friends (their life not mine as most are older). It was where I found my voice, mainly because Black Pancake (now Jynnx) forced me into it.. it was a place to find love for some people.. for others it was a place to make love!!, well the word I wanted to use I dont think Xan would allow but it begins with a F, again no names mentioned but you know who you are and so do half the people registered on this site!!
But most importantly of all.. it allowed me time to roll my performing enhancing cigarettes and get myself into that hazy state of mind where I could only see the area just in front of the car..
I am starting to get a little bit paranoid that people will try to attack me while I sitting online rolling away.... I know my friends too well to know they are more than happy to take advantage of a helpless drunk..
So in closing with this tribute to the Lobby, Rest in Peace and we will miss you and the times we shared (well I will, for the first 5 seconds probably).. You provided a valuable service and we all enjoyed being in you, but it is time to move on and embace the future.
Ok so now I'm done.. it may seem a little sappy but I don't care and I am willing to take the abuse this may lead to.. I will admit it I do love the lobby for so many reason..
there is a thin line between genius and insanity, I think I've fallen off.
Thu, 07/12/2007 - 15:37
Lobby Love
This brought back a lot of memories! Back on Burnout 3 the lobby was really used as a place to get to know your fellow burners. I wouldn't have the friends I have today if it wasn't for the Lobby. But as Suffur said in his latest comment the community is what we made it, and if there is no Lobby we will adapt. But I do have a feeling that there will be many less marraiges, relationships and life long friendships due to people meeting on Paradise then those who met on Burnout 3.
Thu, 07/12/2007 - 17:19
Fare thee well, lobby lust.
I feel the same as drunk and zombie on this, the lobby was a place to lurk, talk and catch up. Hey, but you could use chat, you say, but thats one on one to get gossip, no talk to the room in general. Any way goodbye Lobby Lurkers, Lobby Love, and Lobbys altogether(did you all say it together). And we'll just stop by the road to talk and let the noobs run amock, and wreak our world, till were ready and hunt them down and restore some order.
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
oO EezO Oo
Fri, 07/13/2007 - 02:46
*sniff* I'll miss you lobby (I nead a tissue)
Ah man! I didn't even think about this til I read this. I'm gonna miss you lobby. Alot of the fun of Burnout is all the goofing around in the lobbys. Where you can shift back into low gear and actually chat with your friends that you worked so hard to smoosh into the walls. Plan the next event, or just get the pre-race trash talking going. Lobby - you will truly be missed.
CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!