One of my favourite podcasts is 100 this month.

The wonderful StarShipSofa podcast will soon celebrate their 100th show on the 16th of September. To celebrate, they are releasing a Print-on-Demand anthology called StarShipSofa Stories Volume 1. There will also be a free PDF of the book available to download and a new website. All monies made from the books and donations from the PDF will go into keeping StarShipSofa in the skies.

Here's the table of contents: 

StarShipSofa Stories Volume 1

  1. "Into The Blank Where Life Is Hurled" by Ken Scholes
  2. "London Bone" by Michael Moorcock
  3. "The Second Coming Of Jasmine Fitzgerald" by Peter Watts
  4. "Lest Young and The Jupiter's Moons' Blues" by Gord Sellar
  5. "Vampire Kiss" by Gene Wolfe
  6. "Vinegar Peace (or The Wrong-Way Used-Adult Orphanage)" by Michael Bishop
  7. "Godzilla's 12 Step Program" by Joe R Lansdale
  8. "Jesus Christ, Reanimator" by Ken MacLeod
  9. "The Sledge-Maker's Daughter" by Alastair Reynolds
  10. "Mars: A Travelers Guide" by Ruth Nestvold
  11. "The Empire of Ice Cream" by Jeffrey Ford
  12. "The Ant King: A California Fairytale" by Benjamin Rosebaum
  13. "In The Olden Days" by Spider Robinson
  14. "Tideline" by Elizabeth Bear