new ideas

ok here are five ideas that i have for paradise, people  look at this iff you agree/dissagree leave a comment or send me an xbl message even better send these ideas to a creator at criterion

1.a new set of cars like real licenced cars or monster trucks and a new map addition because it can be bigger and it can have racing tracks like for the wtr ubershall hawker oval racer and takedown 4x4 dirt racer stripped down race versions of more cars for the tracks in the above idea

3.a cockpit view for ALL cars

4.a teleport system so u can do stuff together and have more fun and do challenges quicker

5.the cop liveries should be like the diffrent paints adn there should have one for ALL the cars or one of two should be undercover cop cars

thanks for reading


TheGaroMan's picture

i like the idea of new map additions for some cars....i dont know aboutthe cockpit view though, since most games with that are racing sims, and burnout really is not one.... you know, it could be a bit dizzying flat spinning and barrel rolling inside the car...