May not be news worthy but it bothered me

I have a got a temperary ban from xbox live for putting in my location "EARTH-LOADED WITH 50MEG BYTCH' ", though in truth I did put "EARTH-LOADED WITH 50MEG BYTCH'S" as  a joke to my friends about my new connection speed, see an old post about Paradise, but due to my gamer tag being out in the open world of cyberspace because of this site in case anyone wanted to play with me...

I try and keep my Live account updated with irrelivant information to make people laugh. And it was up for a week, or so but I changed it around a week ago while i was making my BBF account for the ModernWarfare 2 night at work, to what it is now, "Earth-Loaded with 50MEG!".

It seems someone, well make that a lot of someones, to get the notice of the LIVE Enforcement Team, who I believe is run by stepto, Stephen Toulouse, (could be wrong but he does know what they do alot)a regular it seems on Majornelson's podcast lately to talk about abuse of Live and the Live chat excetra.

Now I report people, file a complaint, but i do got by aggression, oh how things are said and racism mostly, not bad spelling, which is done that way to show its a joke, not because it a great way to be abusive.

Now most people know if I'm going to gnikcuf swear i do it backwards, some people may still not like it but it is part of our culture, and I would rather have a smart kid work it out but understand it's not great to be a swear alot but there  must have been a lot of people who just don't like the fact i Have 50 meg what a bunch s'hctyb, who did just that!

But with this simple but effective ban, I would like to give notice that due to Activision banning Party chat in Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, i'm going be handing out feed back and muteing 100's of people and they are going to be doing it back to me!

I will especially be looking out for the children (and most who are not) who should not be on an 18+ game, and telling me how to coputlate ? with a duck, or other amphibious flying thing.

Obivously I can't spill either so maybe I got banned for that?

But I do respect that the Live team does have a job to do, but why ban me now, yes it takes time to sort out data, two, I changed it myself last week, because in truth it was weak! And who would complain about the word Bytch, except some concerned parent and since the only games I have been playing has been mostly with friends other than MW2 and since they are adults, Bytch should be laughed at not complained at.

I wrote about this some time ago, and after 5 years on Live it seems odd to happen now, not when I went balistic at some very rude people that were cheating, and well my mates for cheating, lol.

And Stepto if I spoke out of turn sorry but I do follow you on twitter have been for a whyle.

Anyway back to my BBF account for the night since it seems to be a short ban only 24 hours but still a reputation builder, "me banded, with a monkey on my back, working in hell, I should say so!"

Do something, something, etc etc see that Moulin Rouge bloke, bazza and his sun block song. Try some new every day that scares you. Xbox Live this is tihsllub, can I haz my account back?

Or is it becuze i didn't write up that eurogamer blog, darn it I've had work, the dole, the back pain and the cold to deal with please take the monkey back, please. It's Heavy!

If this made sence please comment, if not, you never will understand! But thanks for trying, please come again...

Patience is something I taught myself, I never know when it is going to run out? It did for a whyle!


SUFFUR's picture

Sad! but people WATCH red dwarf because that is harmless fun and stuff may even be good for the skin, like making it soft? but no I wrote 50meg as in download speed you 'shctyb, yes my new swear word for the hour.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

But it also means that I have not been getting any good feed back, ouch I though my friends knew that you have to renew it once in a while, I know I do it for them after most yearly updates?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

Don't xbox sort it that as an over 18 gamer i'm not really put in rooms with children, or mothers, or easly upset people? and they should not be put in with me, also that most of the games I play are over 16 + except Burnout and I behave myself on there by not speaking and normally only play with friends?

Maybe it only takes a few complaints and a full moon to get noticed, or maybe someone i know who I use to date  (lol me date?)is working for xbox and is trying to get me off xbox and do something important with my life, what is more important than Modern Warfare 2!

Just n'hctyb!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

Although baby girl is too young to be affected, I am starting to feel like a concerned Mum... but I have never found anything offensive in your profile to warrant anybody filing a complaint. Just using the word hctyb shouldn't be enough in my opinion... these things need to be looked at in context. The way you used the word was non-offensive, and I really don't think it was due to a mistaken smeg!

At least you have another account you can use for the 24 hours... or get to work completing your Eurogamer Expo write up!!  No rush dude, but it would be nice to read it this year!! LOL!!

I think Xbox Live should give you the actual reason they banned you.. not just saying that it is for Profile Content, but telling you what exactly you did to warrant the ban.. otherwise how will you know not to repeat the offense???

I chucked a couple of complaints out after we played MW2 the other day.. not at your direction, but at the mouthy young pup with racism in his profile. I checked his profile again yesterday and he has not been banned yet... I'm not sure how the process works really.

I will have to start being careful soon about playing 18+ games when baby girl is awake, MW2 definitely has the most shocking content of any game I have played to date, the fact that it plays like an advert to join the US military is a little scary too. I hope most parents by now are a bit more careful about what games their kids play, but their certainly seemed to be more sub 18 voices amongst the random players then not.

I didn't know that you couldn't join party chat while playing tho... that kinda sucks! It's always nicer to be in a party chat with the friends you are playing with, then getting random abuse from cheeky pipsqueeks, it gets boring having to mute players all the time!

Glad your ban is only 24 hours, does that mean you will be back this evening? Do you have to re-write your whole profile???

SUFFUR's picture

Xboxdtcom, so it's seems a bit serious for some n' hctyb.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?