Batmobile and Backup and Transferred Paradise Game Saves and Content!!!

Hi all,

    I didn't realize how long I have not been on the site in a while. I have been a teacher for a few months now and didn't realize how busy and cut off from the world I have been. Got a new cell phone and lost some numbers, moved around a bit and never had the time to connect again. Anyways there are two things I want to mention. 1. The Batmobile in the recent Batman Game and how I upgraded to an XBOX 360 Elite and copied all game saves from my old HDD to my PC and then to my 360 Elite HDD without losing any content at all.

1. The Batmobile, I'm sure many have said this before, should be in Burnout Paradise. Its really fast, a bit hard to handle and looks really good. I can see it as a Legendary car.

2. I have nto online rannked race in so long for many reasons, but when I got an XBOX 360 Elite I looked up online of how to transfer, didn't like what I found and contacted some friends in China and learned a few things on my own. Now I successfully copied all my Paradise profiles, saves and content and more (other games too) over from one HDD to the othe via PC (Windows only available) and copied to the bigger and new HDD!!! I started collecting broken Xbox's and reparing them and noticing a lot of things, but this is just one of the many.

So to answer a question someone had on here a while ago...Yes you can, even though it is a pain in the butt, copy your paradise game saves to another HDD, and even from your old original xbox to the 360 ;)