No Big Surf Vacation for PC Users



It seems like all the news stories I write lately are bad ones... sorry PC users but it seems that there are no plans to release Big Surf Island for PC. This story broke over at a German games site just over a week ago. Click HERE for the full story in German, google translate didn't do a brilliant job, but the gist of it is "No DLC for PC" sorry folks! Hope we have some better news for you next time!


chinox666's picture

wow that sucks.. glad i have it for 360 =D.. but who knows they might carry out and even better dlc for the pc

Galford's picture

Btw it is official:

Official Criterion FAQ:

"Is Big Surf Island coming to PC? 
No. Currently there are no plans to provide downloadable content for the PC version of Burnout."


ZombieTron's picture

On the bright side tho, I would take this to mean that CG are too busy working on new projects to continue work on Paradise?

I guess if you are a HUGE Burnout Paradise fan and want to experience all of the DLC it's time to get a console! Both the Xbox 360 and PS3 are reasonably priced now, and if you are quick, you might still be able to ask for one for Christmas!!