Deal Of The Day

Some of you may have noticed that there is some new daily deals getting advertised via your Xbox Live Dashboard. Well these are the Holiday Deals, and these are going to give you a different deal every day. So what is available so far, and what kind of deals can we expect I wonder?

Now, when it comes to deals we usually think of the monthly deals that are currently available, well as from today, right the way up to the New Year we are going to be blessed with a daily Holiday deal, unfortunately though Major Nelson is not giving us any clues as to what we can expect.

“Starting December 18th and continuing through to the 31st we’ll be having a new Xbox LIVE Holiday Deal every single day. We’re not posting that schedule in advance so you’ll need to check back each day to see what the offer is. You can find out what each deal is by signing into Xbox LIVE and checking the dashboard.”

Which means we have to sign in everyday to claim our deal, and todays deal is a stunning pair of 2010 glasses for your avatar, which may I add look very cool indeed. Im just hoping that the nearer Christmas we get, the better the deal. It would be nice to see a bit of DLC being added or even some funky clothes, or wait for it ...... an arcade game? who knows I guess we'll just have to make sure we visit everyday. If by chance your stuck at work all day and you are eager to know, you can always follow the Major on Twitter, its here he will be making announcements each day.

And I think that the FREE game Joy Ride will be in the last box that we open on New Years Eve ..... this isnt official as of yet im just guessing ..... but as soon as I hear anything I'll be sure to let you all know .....


Happy Christmas to all of you .... from myself and all the staff over on XLN